Fancy some free gay stories?

Again and again I experience that I read a stimulating gay story and then, as soon as it gets hot to the point, the hint appears that one should please pay to be able to continue reading. I find this impossible and have therefore made it my mission to put free gay stories online. I have the impression that I am exactly right on this page.

For quite some time now I've been thinking about and collecting homoerotic stories that should get the blood pumping and maybe make you want more. The following story is one of my personal favorites and I hope you have a lot of fun with one of my free gay stories. Whether these stories are true or fictional is something I don't like to reveal, after all, everyone should have their own interpretation.

On a warm summer night at the swimming lake, Kevin had made himself comfortable with his colleagues. For a long time, he had had a strange feeling in the stomach area. Because whenever an attractive man crossed his path, he had the feeling as if he would be struck by some kind of small lightning bolt. But this lightning didn't feel painful, it was somehow exciting and pleasant. He had woken up many times in the past because he had dreamed of hot men that he kissed and also did more with.

In his circle of friends he already had someone who had homoerotic experiences and did not hide his gayness. On the contrary! Robin belonged rather to those, who attacked, before they let themselves attack. At the same time, however, he was also very sensitive when it came to the topic of "being gay". He stood already many with advice and act to the side, if these hoped for Tipps for Outings and Co. Now Kevin also wanted to bring a little clarity into his world of thoughts and took Robin aside.

Kevin told him about his problems and did not omit any detail. After all, he was hoping for the best possible advice. Robin was a little psychologist in this area and somehow always knew what was going on in the head of his counterpart. That's why his diagnosis was clear and precise: "You just need to have a proper gay fuck and then you'll know. Wait, I have someone."

Before Kevin could say anything, Robin's cell phone beeped. He already had a cell phone number ready and just said, "Here, check in with my colleague forFree Gay Stories . His name is Jonas and he's a really nice guy, even if he doesn't look it."

So Kevin had a hand number and a name. Robin was very anxious that Kevin really wrote a message. Waiting was therefore no longer possible. Soon there was a place and time for a date. But then panic crept up in Kevin, ... because this was not a normal date after all. That should be clear to all involved.

Kevin Alone Among Gays: My Free Gay Story Continues

Nervously Kevin stood at the agreed meeting place. He was waiting for a tall man who should be heavily tattooed and have a long beard. Robin described him as a "typical rocker". After about ten minutes, a motorcycle also came around the corner. The rider took off his helmet, looked at Kevin and grinned. "Please excuse the delay. Traffic held me up and I'm not a fan of using my cell phone while driving. I'm Jonas and you must be Robin's colleague Kevin." Before Kevin could even say hello, Jonas was already holding out his hand to him. He took it and said shyly, "Yes, I'm Kevin."

Jonas grinned broadly and it occurred to him that Kevin was probably one of those who first had to get to know himself. The nervousness reminded him of his first oral exam at university, so he explained to Kevin what would be on the agenda today so as not to overwhelm him with the new impressions. First there would be a snack to get to know each other better, followed by a visit to a gay bar. What would come after that, ... was not planned by anyone.

During the meal, both quickly realized that they were on the same wavelength. The age difference of about ten years was hardly noticeable. Kevin talked about his studies and Jonas about his work as a PDL in a nursing home. So they both went to the gay bar in the best of moods. Kevin was already slightly nervous, because he did not know locations like this. But actually everything was like in a classic gay bar, ... only without women and with men, with partly very unusual outfits. Kevin felt right at home and already got into conversation with others.

Over a beer Kevin talked with Jonas about his problems and that he did not know whether he was bi- or homosexual ("or whatever"). The advice and tips Kevin received did him a lot of good and he enjoyed an interesting and unforgettable time at the gay bar.

At some point it was curfew and the men had to leave the pub.

Jonas quickly noticed that Kevin was still quite overwhelmed by the impressions and he suggested to have another coffee at his place, ... "Without any ulterior motives", because after all he knew how a gentleman would behave. At that, he winked. Kevin trusted Jonas in a magical way that he could not explain to himself.

At Jonas' house they both enjoyed another coffee and in Kevin the desire came up to finally kiss a man. This did not seem to have escaped Jonas. Both looked deeply into each other's eyes. As if by magic, the lips of the two were drawn to each other and then it came to the longed-for kiss. An uncontrollable fire of passion ignited in Kevin and he wanted to never stop kissing Jonas.

However, it was not to remain only a kiss that evening. Instead, Jonas showed Kevin what sex between men actually meant. Both spoiled each other with a blowjob until both cocks became really hard. After that Kevin was also allowed to feel for the first time how it feels to have passive anal sex. He didn't feel any pain because Jonas was very careful to insert his cock carefully and slowly. Only when Kevin was just moaning with pleasure, he started fucking him hard and fast.

Kevin could hardly believe how it happened to him, because for the first time he had an orgasm by penetrating the prostate. He squirted all over the bed and Jonas also pounded his penis into Kevin until he too came to orgasm. After that, they both fell asleep.
The next morning Kevin felt in love and he knew that he was not only bi- or homosexual, but also bi- or homoamorous. Or in other words, he had a crush. But he was also full of doubts, because he didn't know how Jonas thought about free gay stories.

After all, he couldn't ask him either, because he had long since left. A note, however, revealed his destination. "Sorry I'm not here. Work called, there's an emergency at the station. Hope to see you later, little prince."

Well, what can I say. In the meantime, the two have been a happy couple for five years. They celebrated Kevin's graduation together and still love each other like the first day. Today the official wedding invitations went out.


Gay guys jerk off to these kinky stories too!

9 responses to “Kostenlose Gay Geschichten”

  1. Still looking for the right ones. Like the story would be cool. But most people are scared too. Too bad ????????????????????????????????????

  2. I am looking for a relationship in the age range from 20 to max.32 years. Feel free to contact me via Randy! But have no interest in 32+ years like chubby to fat men or femine and trannies!

  3. The story about the dream to find prince is not so easy today I have found men dream prince of Jul 1992 on 30.8 1992 we were a couple on 30.8.2022. If we were 30 years together my great love is on 15.12.2011. Died but today it is not easy to find a prince but I do not give up

  4. A super story the prince charming I'm still looking... whether I ever find?


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