Der Toilettengang

Bene's unerwarteter Toilettenbesuch Hallo, ich heiße Bene und führe eigentlich ein großartiges Leben mit meiner Freundin und unserem Hund. Bald wird unsere kleine Tochter geboren, denn meine Freundin Jaqueline ist im siebten Monat schwanger. Jedoch habe ich festgestellt, dass sexuell zwischen uns die Luft raus ist und von ihrer Seite aus nichts mehr kommt. Nach ständigem Bemühen und Bitten habe ich begonnen, mich emotional zurückzuziehen. Sie macht nun mehr ihr eigenes Ding und ich meins. Eigentlich sind wir wie beste Freunde oder WG-Mitbewohner, nur eben ohne Sex, aber es funktioniert gut so. Dennoch vermisse ich die Intimität, und das heimliche Masturbieren im Badezimmer empfinde ich nicht als befriedigend genug. Eines Tages, auf dem Heimweg von der Arbeit, musste ich am Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhof umsteigen und verspürte den Drang, die Toilette aufzusuchen. Als ich das WC betrat, hörte ich ein lautes Rascheln und schnelle Bewegungen. Als ich zu den Urinalen ging, sah ich ei…
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Love and friendship

Can friendship turn into love? The relationship between love and friendship is a fascinating and often confusing topic. Can friendship become love? This is a question that occupies many people and which we will examine in more detail in this article. The intimate connection Friendships play a significant role in our lives. They provide trust, intimacy and a deep bond with people we value. In friendships, we often share our thoughts, fears and dreams. They form the foundation for close emotional connections. Communication and honesty The key component when it comes to developing love from a friendship is communication. Open conversations are crucial to sharing one's feelings and finding out if the other partner has similar sentiments. Honesty is the first step on the road to changing the relationship dynamic. Advantages and disadvantages Weighing de...
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The art of compromise

How to find the balance in the relationship with compromises. There comes a point in every relationship when individual needs meet different goals. This is where the art of compromise works its magic. This balance between one's own desires and the pursuit of companionship is a key to strengthening bonds. But how can a good and suitable solution be found for both parties? Flexibility and adaptability: influence of external factors In the evolution of relationships, flexibility and adaptability are essential. External circumstances change, and the ability to adapt strengthens the willingness to compromise. This creates space for joint development and growing connectedness. Understanding the art of compromise: An act of strength Compromise is not weakness, but a sign of strength and maturity. They allow both partners to be heard and respected equally. A successful comp...
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Free Gay Stories

Fancy some free gay stories? Again and again I experience that I read a stimulating gay story and then, as soon as it gets hot to the point, the hint appears that one should please pay to be able to continue reading. I find this impossible and have therefore made it my mission to put free gay stories online. I have the impression that I am exactly right on this page. For a long time I have been thinking about and collecting homoerotic stories that should get the blood pumping and maybe make you want to read more. The following story is one of my personal favorites and I hope you have a lot of fun with one of my Free Gay Stories. Whether these stories are true or fictional is something I don't like to reveal, after all, everyone should have their own interpretation. On a warm summer night at the bathing lake Kevin had made himself comfortable with his colleagues. For a long time he had a strange...
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Gay stories man

Fancy my gay stories man? I have some ideas! Gay stories man are always about the same thing? Well, well, in most of these stories two (or more) guys end up in bed. That's true. But what makes me so horny about gay stories man is mostly the surrounding. And that's exactly why I decided to write stories myself some time ago. Some of them really happened to me. With others I let my imagination wander. I can imagine that it's mainly the "real-life" stories that turn you on. After all, nothing was invented here. So here comes one of my absolute favorite stories. I experienced it with my internet acquaintance. Do you know this? You write for days with a guy, also exchange the one or other dick pic, but at the same time think that it will probably never be too serious and come to sex anyway. The man with whom I have written...
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Nude men gay

Naked men gay in the sauna? Exactly mine! Have you ever visited a gay sauna? Who has desire for naked men gay, is exactly right here. At least in my opinion! Actually, it does not matter if you just want to watch or if you want to participate: Here actually everyone gets his money's worth. And that's exactly why I love hanging out here so much. I like to get down to business when it comes to sex. This slow "OH, let's get erotically naked!" is not for me. I love seeing naked men gay straight as God made them. And that's exactly why I feel so comfortable in my regular gay sauna. There are more than enough horny guys here who are definitely not there just to experience wellness. Lately, however, I've also had to experience that even in a gay sauna it's not always straight to the point. Sometimes you have to wait a little longer for your luck. Often it is worth it then ...
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Gay men

Hot gay men stories: Finally I dare to publish them I've had some hot gay men stories saved on my PC for quite some time. They cater to different fetishes and preferences and get straight to the point. I don't like wasting time with getting to know you stories or anything else. Basically we all just want to read how someone gets a hot beating in the ass and is fucked properly. Oh well ... At least I would dare to say that most of us feel that way. That's why I've put together a few hot sex scenes for you, in which it goes straight to the point. Sure: It could be that it is too crude for one or the other. But I for my part have great movies in my head cinema, which I only too gladly repeat again and again. So if you're looking for a deep plot, you might want to look around for other authors. But I can't help it: I ma...
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Erotic stories gay

Erotic stories Gay - I just like to write (and cum) Some watch gay porn, others often hang out at weekends at relevant gay cruising locations. But I find my kick in a different kind of "hobby". I love to write erotic stories Gay. Some of them really happened to me, for others I started the sexy mental cinema. I often write according to the motto "one can still dream". Especially often my erotic stories deal with gay threesomes. I find the idea to satisfy two men at the same time or to be satisfied by them simply horny. So far, however, I have not dared to make out with two guys at the same time. This may sound a little strange to one or the other, but it is so. I'm afraid that something is expected of me, which I can not offer. That's why "in real life" so far everything remained in the classic two-man constellation. But...
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ManForMan Gay Stories

MannFuerMann Gay stories I enjoy erotic writing Hello dear gays and all who are interested in romantic stories! I recently had a wonderful first date and this beautiful man for man gay story, I would like to share with you. It should show that everything can be possible if you just dare to take the initiative. My MannFuerMann gay story is about my potential partner Georg and me (Sven). It all started when I had to buy some equipment for my new hobby, football. I liked the tryout and somehow the position as quarterback seemed to suit me. I made no secret of my gayness. Of course, I didn't barge in, but when many talked about their girlfriends and asked me, I said that I was currently single and if I was, I was interested in men. However...
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Gay stories man for man often provide tight pants

Did you know how incredibly horny it can be to read gay stories to each other man by man and see what happens? This is a wonderful opportunity to bring a little more momentum between the sheets. Unlike gay porn, the corresponding images are not served to you on asilver platter. Instead, it's up to your imagination to imagine the protagonists, positions and such. Maybe you simply make a little game out of reading out the gay stories man for man by seeing who can control himself longer before he lays a hand on you?

In short, there are almost no limits to your imagination! Our archive is full of hot gay stories man for man, just waiting to be discovered by you.

Gay stories man for man to different preferences

The community is colorful... And exactly the same applies to our gay stories man for man! Whether you're into hard or soft sex, we've taken great pains to make this category as diverse as possible. Ultimately, of course, it's up to you whether you just want to read chronologically or just look at the stories that make you horny by their headline or the first lines.

You love to discover new stories again and again? Wonderful! So do we! That's why our archive is growing continuously. So it's worth it to check it out again and again to make sure you don't miss any of the "erotic puzzle pieces".

What is special about gay stories man for man?

As the name suggests, gay stories man by man are actually stories written BY men FOR men. Since the authors belong to the community, they usually know exactly what their gay readers are into. Therefore, you should be happy to know that in this category, explicit sex descriptions are by no means neglected. But don't worry! Every now and then, things get a bit more romantic. Especially when a couple has been together for a long time and has decided to freshen up their sex life, exciting storylines often emerge in which you can almost assume a happy ending.

Gay stories man for man around fetishes and co.

The classic sex does not exist in this category! Instead, our gay stories man for man are brimming with individuality. This advantage often benefits, among others, the lovers of special fetishes.

You like golden showers, BDSM or gang bang? Maybe all at the same time? Our gay stories man for man are as versatile as the community itself and are therefore super suitable to dare an erotic look beyond the plate.

If you like, you can of course read it - secretly, of course - on the bus or train. However, make sure that you don't drive past your stop because you are so captivated by the plot.

You can certainly enjoy the longer stories best within your own four walls. Make yourself comfortable on the couch and get going - in more ways than one.

Become an author for gay stories man by man!

You want to become an author for gay stories man by man? No problem! Of course you can send us your story at any time. There are almost no limits to your imagination - as long as a large part of the plot revolves around sex with numerous facets.

The more precisely you describe the individual practices, the better. In this way, you can quickly ensure that other guys can often benefit from your sex fantasies. Every now and then, it's fun to share your mental cinema.

Now how about gay stories man?