I like it when I can jerk off gays
Is there also nothing more beautiful for you than to have a magnificent cock in your hand and to jerk it off beautifully? Gay jerking off is more than a preference or a fetish for me. For me, it's so bad that I can't even get in the mood without jerking off. It could be the most gorgeous ass ready in front of me - to some extent I wouldn't even care.
If I could not jerk off a nice cock before, then absolutely nothing stirs with me. Personally, I do not find it bad, because a horny handjob can always be incorporated somehow.
That's why I'm always on the go in various forums and look up where the next gay party or the next gay cruising meeting is taking place nearby. I always like to think back to my last party, because there I could jerk off as many gays as I wanted and I had a lot of fun without having had sex myself. I just feasted my eyes on the many gorgeous gays whose cocks I could jerk off nicely.
I keep a little personal list of which party I was able to milk and how many men ... and at this event I was able to count 30 happy endings I was responsible for.
It all started when the lockdown became more and more in the public eye. There was always talk of impending no-contact orders. Before it should not be possible for the next time, some gays had met for an unforgettable and erotic night and I was in the middle of it.
I don't like to go to such meetings alone. Therefore, I decided to take along one of my affairs, with whom I met regularly anyway. He should also be the first to "fall victim" to my desire. We met already two hours before the "sex event" at my place. Exactly this offered me the best opportunity to prove my talents and to follow my uncontrollable desire.
We made ourselves comfortable on my couch and enjoyed a beer and something to eat. Meanwhile, we talked about what could expect us all this evening ... and that turned us both on beastly. At some point I could see a small bulge in his pants and was happy as a clam, because now I could finally unpack.
I opened his pants and made myself with my hand directly at his horny, stiff cock to create, which already stretched towards me. Through the boxer shorts I massaged his horny beating, which was getting bigger and bigger and at some point could no longer be satisfied with just one hand. Therefore, I added my other hand and gave him a double handjob. I turned my hands every now and then in different directions. Of course, only as far as his desire allowed.
He moaned and said again and again that my hands were "certainly personally formed by God" for this one purpose. Such compliments always pleased me the most, because I not only have great pleasure in jerking off gays, but of course also love to give them an orgasm. That's why I kept jerking his cock nicely. It took not even two minutes, he already snotted me his full load. Much to my delight, because it is not uncommon that such cumshots then also give me an orgasm myself, no matter whether I put my hand to it or not. But I didn't want to come. At least not yet. After his climax, we got ready for the coming evening.
Gay jerk off until wrist hurts
We arrived a little later. Because if I want to spend such an evening, then please as many gays as possible should be present, which I can jerk the cum out. This evening was exactly the case. My affair immediately set out to find potential gays who felt like having fun with us.
It did not take long and there were already seven men who felt like having their cocks jerked. Therefore, I went to position and waited for the horny guys. I knelt on the floor and quickly all seven had gathered around me. So I took a horny cock in each hand and started wanking the first gays. With some of them it didn't take long until they sprayed all their cream on my body. The first three loads were done within five minutes.
After that, however, came a man completely to my liking. He mastered orgasm control and therefore I had to do alone with him for 20 minutes. But even he could not resist my arts at some point and discharged on my upper body.
In between, I could watch my colleague having his own fun. Before he let me jerk him off again, he had chosen a partner from whom he had his prostate massaged and his asshole sucked.
It was a wonderful evening. When I just brought two guys at the same time to the happy end, another five men came up to me and shot their load on me. After that, the next "clientele" was already in front of me. They also wanted to be "served". This favor I did them gladly and gays always jerk off until all gays came screaming.
After the first few rounds I decided to take a little break and got me someone who felt like blowing my bulging part. Quickly someone was found. The guy sucked my cock so horny and passionate that I came quickly and had experienced a bombastic orgasm.
After that I was ready to jerk off again numerous cocks that reached my hands. On my knees later I had problems to follow my passion, because more and more men were longing for a horny blowjob. This I did not want to give them. After all, I had come here for one purpose only - handjobs in all intensities and variations!
The last man behaved - I think at least - particularly boorish. As a result, my colleague took care of him and fucked him across the room so that "he learns from his behavior". The "punishment" seemed to turn him on or at least not mind, because after that he was still very rowdy and forced his cock on me by ramming it into my mouth.
After that, the party was unfortunately over for me. But at least I could prepare at least 30 men a splashy evening and pursue my passion. The next day my hand hurt slightly, but it was all worth it.
By the way, my affair stayed a few hours longer. The other guy I was also not angry. He was just passionate blowjob type and could not know that I prefer other practices. That's the beauty of an affair ... because you always know exactly how the other guy ticks. Nevertheless, I will not miss it in the future to visit relevant events again and again. You never know who you meet here - or just jerk off.
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Nur schwule Männer wissen, was Männer sexuell wollen und brauchen! Tatsache!!!
A very very beautifully written story!!!
Das hat mich jetzt so heiss gemacht! Ich glaube dass ich auch unheimlich Freude daran hätte, möglichst vielen Gays den Schwanz zu wichsen. Ich müsste aber, wenn’s ihnen kommt, das ganze Sperma für mich haben.