Sperm gay experiences in the sauna
Do you like it when your whole body is covered with sperm? When you look like you're a ghost when you come in contact with a black light lamp? Then you can begin to understand how my sexual adventures and fantasies look like. The sperm gay parties that I attend are always an absolute highlight in my personal calendar of events and every time I look forward to these meetings.
Sometimes I can hardly stand it and spend my evenings with horny porn movies or stories in which the sperm gay just flows. You have to bridge the time somehow, right?
By the way, that's why I like to watch cartoon cumshots (only the cumshots), because they turn out especially utopian and enormous. What would I give to feel such a cum load on my own skin myself? But what I get is also first-class cream. I do not want to downplay the whole thing at all.
To make sure that I always have enough men for a so-called "Bukkake Party", I created a WhatsApp group. This has become larger and larger over time. One Saturday I was overcome by spontaneous desire for a veil of sperm gay and even before I had written this desire in the group, one of the others asked if we were all at a spontaneous meeting.
That was my cue! There I got right in and hoped that enough would come forward. My simple formula "More guys = more sperm". To my and everyone's surprise, it was really possible for everyone, except for one, to spontaneously arrange for the same evening. So we clarified in the group meeting place and time and then went first of all our normal everyday life. I used the time after work to prepare myself accordingly. After all, men want to have a well-groomed sex partner, even if it's dirty to the point.
I had finished my grooming routine for the evening and could also make my way to the meeting place comparatively early. We all met in the private apartment of a group member, which conveniently had a sauna and a pool in the garden. In general, I always have the most fun in the sauna. Because there sweat and sperm mix on my body and run down my chest or my back. At the latest then a little drop of pleasure shows with me - even completely without touching. Therefore, I was particularly looking forward to the hot encounters in the sauna.
We were a total of 15 men and everyone already knew my preference for the horny man juice. This is exactly what guaranteed me that no sperm would touch the floor or be thrown away in a condom. One of many reasons why I prefer the private cum gay parties. When you know each other, you can just act differently with each other.
But one thing at a time: One by one, we entered the house and were first able to enjoy small appetizers and sparkling wine. There were also some men who do not belong to our WhatsApp group and were invited by the host. However, these were just for the eye. I like highlights of this kind. There is nothing more exciting than men who presented their steely bodies and make you want to have erotic adventures. The complete scene was reminiscent of a Greek orgy, ... only that the said guys were just taboo.
Back to the appetizers and the champagne. No sooner were the trays emptied and the first box of sparkling wine also "destroyed", the mood became loose and also quite erotic. Therefore, it did not take long and the first men already exchanged passionate kisses and body touches.
Hot sauna with hot gays
I certainly don't have to mention here what my goal was that evening, do I? Of course, it didn't take long before I made my way to the sauna. Here it was actually empty. Too bad. I had been looking forward so much to "purely by chance" to be able to join an orgy.
When I opened the sauna door, I saw exactly one man. But this one should be enough for me - at least for now. He already had a hard-on. I could not resist an - admittedly flat - "Well? You look as if you had been waiting for me! I've had better pick-up lines, but he laughed and presented me his cock.
"I'm hot," he said, "I won't move a bit. But you can ride me." If he had known at that point that I had something else in mind. I wanted him to know. I knelt down in front of him. He didn't have to move. He held completely still and allowed himself to be pampered. His sweat was running down his upper body and I was getting damn warm too. Shortly after, he began to moan. And again a few minutes later I had his cum gay in my mouth. He grinned, "I'll stay here for a while."
This guy must have had a cycle from hell. It should be fine with me. I walked out and was somehow a little disappointed. Was that supposed to be the only cum load? Oh, no. I have no idea where my buddies were, but they put a table in front of me for me to bend over. What happened next was a real cum parade. They all couldn't wait to fuck me. I had big dicks, smaller dicks, and some that teased me by penetrating me very little. But everything they all had in common. They squirted me in front. In me, no one came. My buddies always pulled out just before, jerked off once or twice more and then doused me with their juice. That's exactly how I had imagined it.
Unfortunately, the table did not allow me to do it to myself. And although I almost came a few times, I was still denied my personal climax at this point. Maybe (or probably) also because the guys didn't seem at all like they wanted me to come. They were only concerned about their own orgasms... and that's what made me hot. At some point I turned around and sat on the table. I started jerking off and looking at them provocatively. At some point, one came over and sat on my lap. He moved faster and faster and I could feel my climax coming on as well. I held him by the hips, massaged his cock now and then and enjoyed how the others watched us. Yes, I wanted to give them some entertainment. I came loudly, screaming and intensely with a big cum gay load. And that's exactly what caused some of the other men to give themselves another hand. By the way, the guy I fucked came too.
I got so many loads that day, as rarely. However, I myself came only twice. But that is perfectly fine. I love this mix of "being used" and milking and could not imagine a life in a fixed, monogamous partnership actually more.
Let's put it this way: I know why I created "my" WhatsApp group. We are a "select circle" of men who know what they want. And fortunately, here we complement each other in a very erotic way with sperm gay.
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Will auch gerne auf andere schwänze spritzen und lutschen und evtl knutschen und geile schweinereien mitmachen!!! Der liebe gerd
qué envidia aunque yo no les habría dejado salirse de mi…de ningún sitio, y desde luego habría gozado de todos y de todo el sabroso semen…
Da hätte ich auch mitmachen können weil ich habe einen dicken massiven Schwanz und ich spritze sehr viel Sperma ab und kann auch zweimal nacheinander abspritzen wenn ich Geil bin und eine Frau oder ein Geiler Schwanz muss gelutscht werden und der Samen muss raus und ich lass mir gerne von vielen verschiedenen Typen ihr Sperma in mein Mund rein spritzen und das schmeckt mir so gut und cremige und ich stehe auf Samensaft und lutsche sehr gerne große und schwarze Schwänze von Farbigen Afrikanern weil die haben schöne dicke Penisgröße und macht richtig Spaß so eine großen Schwanz zu lutschen und blasen bis unerwartet ganz plötzlich mein ganzer Mund mit warmen Ceemigen Sperma befüllt wird das ist so geil wenn sein Schwanz ganz viele Sperma Spritzer in Mund und ins Gesicht bekommen hab und ich will das so oft wie möglich ich brauche Sexuelle Körperflüssigkeiten und lecke mösen aber genau so gerne Schwänze blasen Titten ficken und alles wo kein was angeht aber jeder braucht das ab und zu abartig und perversen Sex ich brauche das auch und macht ausgeglichen
hi heiko hier
Hat jemand Zeit
Hey wo kommst du her ?
Ja hätte jetzt Zeit
ja wann und was willst du denn machen aber wenn dann treffen wir uns schon für ein paar Stunden um mehrmals gegenseitig unser Sperma raus zu lutschen und ich bin leicht bizzar und hemmungslos und wenn ich Geil bin will ich es treiben und spritzen und dich auch spritzen lassen und bitte das meiste will in Mund gespritzt bekommen deinen Samen und Sperma schmeckt geil und läuft so edel den Hals runter und möchte gerne Mal von 20 bis 30 Geilen Typen richtig total voll gespritzt werden damit ganz weiss bin mit Sperma und erfreue mich an dem Saft der anderen
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