Love and friendship

Can friendship turn into love? The relationship between love and friendship is a fascinating and often confusing topic. Can friendship become love? This is a question that occupies many people and which we will examine in more detail in this article. The intimate connection Friendships play a significant role in our lives. They provide trust, intimacy and a deep bond with people we value. In friendships, we often share our thoughts, fears and dreams. They form the foundation for close emotional connections. Communication and honesty The key component when it comes to developing love from a friendship is communication. Open conversations are crucial to sharing one's feelings and finding out if the other partner has similar sentiments. Honesty is the first step on the road to changing the relationship dynamic. Advantages and disadvantages Weighing de...
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The art of compromise

How to find the balance in the relationship with compromises. There comes a point in every relationship when individual needs meet different goals. This is where the art of compromise works its magic. This balance between one's own desires and the pursuit of companionship is a key to strengthening bonds. But how can a good and suitable solution be found for both parties? Flexibility and adaptability: influence of external factors In the evolution of relationships, flexibility and adaptability are essential. External circumstances change, and the ability to adapt strengthens the willingness to compromise. This creates space for joint development and growing connectedness. Understanding the art of compromise: An act of strength Compromise is not weakness, but a sign of strength and maturity. They allow both partners to be heard and respected equally. A successful comp...
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Sperm Gay

Sperm gay experiences in the sauna Do you like it when your whole body is covered with sperm? When you look like a ghost when you come in contact with a black light lamp? Then you can begin to understand how my sexual adventures and fantasies look like. The sperm gay parties that I attend are always an absolute highlight in my personal calendar of events and every time I look forward to these meetings. Sometimes I can hardly stand it and spend the evenings with horny porn movies or stories in which the sperm gay just flows. You have to bridge the time somehow, right? By the way, I also like to watch cartoon cumshots (only the cumshots), because they are especially utopian and enormous. What would I give to feel such a cum load on my own skin myself once? However, what I get is also first-class cream...
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Gay Stories new

Gay Stories new and hot: I write regularly about my past adventures Gay Stories new and hot ... Actually, it could also be the motto of this page, right? There are always new stories to discover here. I am thrilled by the enormous variety that is offered here at regular intervals. I thought it's time to share my experiences with you, too, ... Because I, too, had a debauched sex life. Why am I writing in the past tense? I am now 74 and have long since retired from the active homosexual sex scene. I settled down and when allowed, my partner and I adopted a child. Still, I rewrite many gay stories - because love and passion know no age. I used to visit many horny gay parties and I don't regret it for a second. Even in the beginning I was always careful and always made sure that a condom was used during love sp...
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Gay wrestling

Gay wrestling? Try it out - it's worth it! You've heard of wrestling and you've heard of gay wrestling. But have you ever wondered what happens when the two come together? The whole thing is honestly pretty awesome. I don't want to put myself out there as a wrestling expert. That would be a lie. Actually, I was at a trial lesson once, but that was enough for me to be able to say that I'm definitely sticking with it. But I also have to admit that certainly not every gay who tries gay wrestling for the first time is as lucky as I was and can directly put one away. But with me it was like that and I don't want to miss this experience anymore. Maybe it is also the curiosity for the next time that drives me to go again (and again and again)? Anyway. The following gay wrestling story actually happened to me as I write it here. Gay wrestling is offered in many cities....
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Free Gay Stories

My hobby? I write free gay stories Others might take money for this, but - not me. I would feel bad charging money for something I enjoy so much. Most of the Free Gay stories I've written over the years have actually happened to me that way. And that's probably why I find them so awesome. I often find myself getting a boner while I'm writing. Simply because it makes me so horny to remember. One of the best Free Gay stories, I think, I want to share with you here. It comes from my category "Actually so happened" and takes place in "my gay cinema" around the corner. I am a frequent guest here. Not because I do not know that there are also many horny porn on the net, but rather because I appreciate the basic horny atmosphere. I like the mixture of the smell of disinfectant, sweat and sex. I find ...
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Gay men stories

Fancy a romantic nostalgic gay men story? Hello my dear gays! I have a wonderful gay men story to tell, which has been lying dormant on my hard drive for quite some time and is now finally ready to see the light of day. It is about my grandpa's brother and a former fellow student. My "Gronkel", as I always called him as a child, was a loving family man and always open-minded and tolerant of everyone. At a family party, I outed myself as gay, which particularly upset my father and grandpa. My mother was not thrilled, but immediately said that she would love me no matter what and that the men would have to calm down first. My Gronkel, on the other hand, took me warmly in his arms and affirmed what a great person I was and that I should enjoy my life with pride. He also barked at my grandfather when he said that I should maybe take a look at my...
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Gay boys nude

I like to watch gay boys naked Hello, my name is Jürgen and I am 52 years old. Since a few years I manage more and more to stand by myself and my gay being. I am proud of that... Because: exactly that was an act. I struggled with myself for a long time and my outing was a real battle with myself and my demons. Since I dared to stand naked to the gay boys, but I have a completely different relationship with myself and my sex life. I have found that I get extremely horny watching Gay Boys naked having sex. By "boys" I mean men who are my age. I have found that I am most on the same wavelength with them. Also, it is important to me that they know I am watching them. I would find it weird to hide while watching men. In addition, many men I know find it horny anyway when they are looked at "at work". At b...
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Gay men fuck

I am straight but I want to fuck gay men The headline may sound a little confusing, but: it's true. I am 42 years old, married to a woman and I want to fuck gay men regularly. I love to hang out at gay cruising locations and pursue my passion. My wife knows nothing about this. I don't know how she would react. That's why I always try to keep everything that has to do with sex, with men, absolutely secret. What exactly I find so cool about gay men fucking, I can't say exactly. Maybe it's the attraction of the forbidden? With my wife, anal sex is generally out of the question. Gay men are more open here. And that's exactly what turns me on. My story is about how I once went out again. As I have noticed, especially the visits to relevant rest stops are wonderfully suited to meet gay men. Since I do not want to wait long and also seh...
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Free gay stories for cozy hours

On our pages we offer you a platform for serious and safe, but also sexy and horny reading pleasure of the special kind. We have made it our mission to collect stimulating free gay stories of all kinds. With this you can then send your lust fantasies on the road.

Whether you are looking for a quickie or a longer story, you can be sure to get your money's worth. Whether you are looking for free gay stories with a specific plot or simply chronologically, it's up to you.

One thing is certain: The individual writers use a wide variety of genres and also deal with many types of fetishes "by theway". Maybe you will discover a completely new side of you through one of the stories or get the desire to experiment a little?

Dive into a world of erotic stories and find a favorite!

What are our Free Gay stories actually about?

As the name suggests, our free gay stories are free. But what kind of action can you look forward to? There are no standards here, if you look closely. So you can decide every day anew what turns you on and what you feel like. In none of our free gay stories sex comes too short.

Today you want to accompany the protagonist at his horny gay cruising meetings and tomorrow he should find the love of his life? For every mood there is a suitable free gay story that will bring you stimulating hours - and maybe a personal happy ending.

Take a little time and browse through our sexy world of free gay stories! Here you can not only save your wallet, but you can also - by the way - secure a big load of eroticism.

Are the Free Gay stories based on real events or not?

Admittedly: It sounds very erotic. An author comes back from a gay cruising meeting and writes down his horny experiences. But: In our Free Gay Stories only the author himself knows if the story is real or fictional. And even IF he writes "based ona truestory", it's up to you whether you believe him or not.

But maybe you are one of those men who simply don't care if "person XY" actually experienced the gang bang he writes about in the free gay story, as long as the plot turns you on?

In short: Whether the stories you read on our platform are true or not, even we can not tell you. But just the idea that they could be, certainly makes many people's pants a little tighter.

Free gay stories to read in different life situations? No problem!

Reading free gay stories is sometimes like "real life", isn't it? Sometimes you feel like a quickie and sometimes the whole thing may extend over a longer period of time.

You can enjoy our stories on the bus, at the bus stop, on the couch at home, in the tub and in many other places. Maybe you also feel it as a kick that your counterpart does not know what horny storyline you have just in front of you?

Our free gay stories are not only suitable for stimulating your own mental cinema. They are also wonderful erotic reading material for a sensual evening for two. Read the hot sex scenes to each other and maybe your very own personal adventure will begin within your own four walls!

Send us your Free Gay Stories to publish!

Can't find the right story in our archive? Maybe you're so inspired that you'd like to get started yourself? What are you waiting for? Write a text that fits your head cinema. Share it with the community through us and maybe your story will be the reason why a man somewhere will be "very happy" when reading it.


You will also find great gay friends stories