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Gay stories for erotic reading fun
You have been looking for a long time for a site where you are confronted with reading erotica of a special kind? - Then you are at the right address. Here you can expect numerous gay stories about sex, adventure and co. Sometimes it's straight to the point, sometimes the sex is surrounded by an exciting plot. Whatever: In our archive you will surely find the right gay stories for you.
Just click a little through the offer and let yourself be inspired! In addition to classic sex, special fetishes are also covered from time to time. Ideal if you want to plan a look beyond your own nose!
As different as the individual stories may be, they have one thing in common: They are supposed to be stimulating and make you want to try out some of them yourself. Whether you're a BDSM or "flower sex" fan, everyone should get their money's worth here.
Gay stories and their storyline - what is it about?
You are curious and want to dive into the world of gay stories? Wonderful! However, it is not possible to speak of a standardized storyline here. After all, there is not THE classic gay porn. The individual writers take you in the course of the story into the most diverse storylines and / or show you how quickly eroticism - at least in theory - can find its way into everyday life. Whether it's sex for two or a wild orgy, you can let your imagination run wild here.
If you are looking for a certain action, it sometimes makes sense to read across briefly. If you then notice that the whole thing - for whatever reason - should not be for you, you simply switch to the next story.
Is this really how gay stories happened in "real life"?
Let's be realistic: How true or untrue the plot of the stories is, only the author knows. But if you want to get your personal reading kick going a little more, you can just try to imagine that it's at least theoretically possible that EXACTLY THAT could have happened to you, your neighbor, or whoever.
And even if you ultimately can't always sort it out from home if the gang bang described in the story really happened that way, it's all the more fun to get lost in the action, isn't it?
Enjoy gay stories at home and on the go! You have the choice
What's your favorite way to read gay stories +? Do you need a short reading quickie for the way home to heat up the mood or do you want to spend a cozy evening on the couch? We have suitable gay stories ready for every "application area".
A "nice side effect": You don't have to enjoy our stories alone. Because: they offer a perfect basis for a sensual reading evening. Just choose one of our numerous stories and read it to your partner. Maybe you will feel inspired to try out some of the sex practices yourself!
Of course, you can also get your own happy ending without a partner at any time, if the desire overcomes you while reading.
Gay stories don't have to stay on your laptop!
You've written gay stories in the past, but haven't shared them with the community yet? Maybe you want to share your passion with others? On our pages you have found a wonderful opportunity to do so! Just send us your story! You will not only enrich our archive, but also provide hot and maybe new material for various head cinemas.
Send your imagination on a journey and show the rest of the readers how cool it can be to let yourself fall.