Polyamory among gays

Polyamory dating in gay relationships: Normal or stereotype? In the diversity of human relationships, there is no one size fits all. This is especially true for gay relationships, which are often seen as more progressive and diverse. One emerging form of such relationships is "polyamory dating." It is important to note, however, that polyamory relationships are not limited to gay relationships. They can be found throughout the diversity of human relationships, regardless of sexual orientation. In this article, we will take a closer look at polyamory in gay relationships and explore its advantages and disadvantages. The diversity of gay relationships Gay relationships are not limited to one particular form. In fact, they are as diverse as people themselves. Traditional monogamous relationships exist alongside open relationships and polyamorous relationships. Polyamory dating is a form that has just in the last year...
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Free Gay Stories

Fancy some free gay stories? Again and again I experience that I read a stimulating gay story and then, as soon as it gets hot to the point, the hint appears that one should please pay to be able to continue reading. I find this impossible and have therefore made it my mission to put free gay stories online. I have the impression that I am exactly right on this page. For a long time I have been thinking about and collecting homoerotic stories that should get the blood pumping and maybe make you want to read more. The following story is one of my personal favorites and I hope you have a lot of fun with one of my Free Gay Stories. Whether these stories are true or fictional is something I don't like to reveal, after all, everyone should have their own interpretation. On a warm summer night at the bathing lake Kevin had made himself comfortable with his colleagues. For a long time he had a strange...
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Gay penis

Gay penis: want to visit my head cinema? In my life I have met a lot of men who were not averse to a short-term liaison. Or in other words: My gay penis was often used and could make many men happy. Me too, of course. But I have also been taken to paradise more often, have experienced fantastic orgasms and some of the guys I have had I will never forget. Among other things, this also created favorite fantasies that I always like to play in my head when I am overcome by lust. One of these memories comes to me regularly when I jerk off and I'm glad that what I think about actually happens and is not a pipe dream. You guys are curious? I wanted to make a special surprise for my partner at the time. So I had a dildo made in the shape of my penis. In advance, I inquired for a long time on the Internet about a way to d...
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Gay fuck

My hot gay fuck fantasies Are you in the mood for a cock-laden gay fuck action story set in a big gay club? The following story should satisfy everyone who craves hot erotic adventures with lots of cocks disappearing into tight asses. In a gay club, as we all know, just about anything is possible - as long as everyone involved is up for it. The men are usually open-minded and up for almost any sexual act. You have always wanted to spend an evening in a gay club, but have not yet dared to do so? You are not alone with this fantasy, because I also dream of visiting a gay club someday and having as much sex as I can that evening. I would like to share this fantasy with you and give you an insight into my head. I hope you have as much fun as I regularly have with this fantasy. Maybe I dare mi...
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Gay slaves history

My little gay slave story My partner and I have a special kind of relationship. Maybe it would even be wrong to call our partnership a "love relationship", but rather to describe it as a "gay slave story". But: We can't do without each other either. Maybe it is a kind of love-hate relationship? But we have one thing in common: The love of satisfying our fetish. Here we can help each other wonderfully. He usually comes to visit on weekends. Sometimes we also spend the entire week together. This is usually the case when he has vacation. I love to integrate a slave into my everyday life and always get the material for a new gay slave story. His last vacation lasted a week. I, on the other hand, had to go to work normally and was already looking forward to chastising my gay slave at home all day and having horny sex at the end. I can ...
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Gay ass fuck

Fancy a story around a hot gay ass fuck? I recently visited one of the numerous CSDs in NRW and was very happy to see old acquaintances and new gay assfuck faces. I had not been to a CSD for several years and was therefore very excited to see what had changed. But hardly arrived, I was quite uncomfortable. In fact, much was no longer the same ... And partly I was a little disappointed. Even back then there was a lot of partying ... No question. But sex on the open road must - in my opinion - not be. After all, among other things, many young people come to the roadside to stand up for tolerance. One can also live out a possible fetish in a hotel room. As erotic as it may be in gay porn: I don't need to watch an assfuck on the open street. All that was just too much for me and at some point I just wanted to go home. ...
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Gay boys nude

I like to watch gay boys naked Hello, my name is Jürgen and I am 52 years old. Since a few years I manage more and more to stand by myself and my gay being. I am proud of that... Because: exactly that was an act. I struggled with myself for a long time and my outing was a real battle with myself and my demons. Since I dared to stand naked to the gay boys, but I have a completely different relationship with myself and my sex life. I have found that I get extremely horny watching Gay Boys naked having sex. By "boys" I mean men who are my age. I have found that I am most on the same wavelength with them. Also, it is important to me that they know I am watching them. I would find it weird to hide while watching men. In addition, many men I know find it horny anyway when they are looked at "at work". At b...
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Sex stories gay

Sex stories gay and cool Sex stories gay and cool? What I mean by this heading and what is behind it? Do you know it, if you had a very special sex experience and afterwards you always associate it with certain attributes? When you just can't forget a certain adventure? The last time I had sex with my boyfriend, I had the feeling that I had to write down this experience. Because: I've never had such cool sex. That's why I call my following story "sex story gay and cool". By "sex story gay and cool" I mean "cool" in the literal sense. After all, special circumstances ensured that my boyfriend and I had to get creative so that the first day of vacation would not remain in bad memory. My story begins on our first day of vacation. My boyfriend is just relaxing next to me on the beach, while I type these lines and again the memory of this unique star...
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Gay callboys

Interested in my gay callboys stories? My name is Michael and I am 52 years old. I successfully run a company that deals with IT services. I often have little time for a dating life. At the same time, I like to have a guarantee that I will get laid. Many of my co-workers don't know that I'm gay, and I want to keep it that way. In addition, I am definitely not a relationship person. I like to have horny sex regularly, but that's enough for me as an interaction with a partner. I once had an affair, but this then fell in love with me and I can not stand that at all. Then I discovered gay callboys for me and since then they are an essential part of my sexual debauchery. I do not have a permanent gay callboy. I like to be surprised. Only Chubbies and Bears are not mine, because I prefer to dominate. This works better with 1.80 m and a slim stature, if I have a...
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Gay stories for erotic reading fun

You have been looking for a long time for a site where you are confronted with reading erotica of a special kind? - Then you are at the right address. Here you can expect numerous gay stories about sex, adventure and co. Sometimes it's straight to the point, sometimes the sex is surrounded by an exciting plot. Whatever: In our archive you will surely find the right gay stories for you.
Just click a little through the offer and let yourself be inspired! In addition to classic sex, special fetishes are also covered from time to time. Ideal if you want to plan a look beyond your own nose!
As different as the individual stories may be, they have one thing in common: They are supposed to be stimulating and make you want to try out some of them yourself. Whether you're a BDSM or "flower sex" fan, everyone should get their money's worth here.

Gay stories and their storyline - what is it about?

You are curious and want to dive into the world of gay stories? Wonderful! However, it is not possible to speak of a standardized storyline here. After all, there is not THE classic gay porn. The individual writers take you in the course of the story into the most diverse storylines and / or show you how quickly eroticism - at least in theory - can find its way into everyday life. Whether it's sex for two or a wild orgy, you can let your imagination run wild here.
If you are looking for a certain action, it sometimes makes sense to read across briefly. If you then notice that the whole thing - for whatever reason - should not be for you, you simply switch to the next story.

Is this really how gay stories happened in "real life"?

Let's be realistic: How true or untrue the plot of the stories is, only the author knows. But if you want to get your personal reading kick going a little more, you can just try to imagine that it's at least theoretically possible that EXACTLY THAT could have happened to you, your neighbor, or whoever.
And even if you ultimately can't always sort it out from home if the gang bang described in the story really happened that way, it's all the more fun to get lost in the action, isn't it?
Enjoy gay stories at home and on the go! You have the choice

What's your favorite way to read gay stories +? Do you need a short reading quickie for the way home to heat up the mood or do you want to spend a cozy evening on the couch? We have suitable gay stories ready for every "application area".
A "nice side effect": You don't have to enjoy our stories alone. Because: they offer a perfect basis for a sensual reading evening. Just choose one of our numerous stories and read it to your partner. Maybe you will feel inspired to try out some of the sex practices yourself!
Of course, you can also get your own happy ending without a partner at any time, if the desire overcomes you while reading.

Gay stories don't have to stay on your laptop!

You've written gay stories in the past, but haven't shared them with the community yet? Maybe you want to share your passion with others? On our pages you have found a wonderful opportunity to do so! Just send us your story! You will not only enrich our archive, but also provide hot and maybe new material for various head cinemas.
Send your imagination on a journey and show the rest of the readers how cool it can be to let yourself fall.

These Get It Gay stories will make your head spin.