Love Couples starts on Sat.1

"Love Couples - My Date, My Gay Best Friend and Me" - New Dating Show on Sat.1 Every woman who knows at least one gay buddy in her closest circle of friends knows that this relationship can be quite special. After all, with hardly any other guy is it so wonderfully possible to chat about men. One almost has the feeling of having met a "fellow sufferer" here, who can advise completely without erotic ulterior motives towards the lady. Sat.1 will now devote an entire format to precisely this phenomenon. The show, which is sure to generate a lot of interest, is called "Love Couples - Mein Date, mein schwuler bester Freund und ich" and may even be very lucrative for the winners. Because: whoever wins will take home 50,000 euros. What exactly is "Love Couples - My Date, My Gay Best Friend and Me" all about? The principle behind "Love Couples - My Date, My Gay Best Friend and Me" is s...
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Leisure activities for couples

5 great (and corona-compliant) leisure outdoor activities for couples Many couples know the problem: at least since Corona, they have had the feeling every now and then that the ceiling is falling on their heads. All the better that the numbers are currently not only falling, but also that relaxations are pending in the various states. Of course, the "normality" that everyone is longing for is still a long way off. Nevertheless, it currently seems as if the oft-cited "light at the end of the tunnel" has become a little more tangible. Or, to put it another way: there are many recreational opportunities that can be used again now, or most certainly in the near future. Many of them hold the potential for couples who have been together for a long time to rediscover each other. Fancy a hobby together? Then it's definitely worth reading on here. Tip No. 1: Joint progress when jogging Hardly any other endurance sport is so er...
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"It's a Sin" launches in Germany

"It's a Sin" - British miniseries comes to Germany If you're in the mood for queer entertainment, you're in for a treat - because: in June, the series "It's a Sin" will also be shown on German TV. The individual episodes will be shown via the provider Starzplay. A total of five parts have been filmed. The viewer can then choose between the original English version and the German translation. The new episodes will then be released every week. What is "It's a Sin" about? The plot of "It's a Sin" is quickly explained. The series revolves around three gay men living in London in the 1980s. At some point, however, the lives of Roscoe, Ritchie and Colin change abruptly when they learn that - first in America - a virus is spreading. When HIV then also claims victims in England, the danger suddenly becomes even more tangible. At a time when the threat of a virus is once again playing an important role, the...
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The mega awesome double Randy!

Cash in twice now! What's better than 175 Randys once? Of course, twice! With our mega-strong double Randy you can now cash in twice. Because today, Friday, you get 175 Randys worth EUR 34.99 for FREE when you top up your Package S! On Saturday, when you top up the M MEGAFETTE package, you will receive 475 Randys worth 89.99 EUR And you don't have to do anything special. Get your ? Package S for 34.99 EUR and get 175 extra Randys on top! But be careful, the 89,99EUR package M is only extra if you get the 34,99 package S today. So grab it quickly! Click here to continue to Cyber Wednesday
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The Planet Randy Lockdown Bonus

Wir stellen den Planet-Randy Lockdown-Bonus ein, aber … Irgendwie hat es aktuell den Anschein, dass das Licht am Ende des Tunnels ein wenig greifbarer wird, oder? Daher möchten auch wir uns nun vom „Lockdown“-Bonus verabschieden. Nachdem wir über einen Zeitraum von etwa einem halben Jahr jeden Tag zehn Randys an jeden unserer Nutzer verschenkt haben und so etwa drei Millionen (!) Randys ihre Besitzer gewechselt haben, stellen wir jetzt die Aktion ein. Aber: selbstverständlich musst du auch in Zukunft nicht auf tolle Aktionen verzichten! Im Gegenteil! Aktuell steht auch schon die nächste Überraschung in den Startlöchern! Du bist neugierig geworden? Wunderbar! Ein wenig musst du dich aber noch gedulden! Am Wochenende verraten wir dir mehr! Dein Team von Planet-Randy   --> Halloween 2021 - Planet Randy <--
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Princess Charming starts on 25.05

Who will conquer the heart of Princess Charming? Some time ago, some exciting details about Germany's first Princess Charming became known. But what would a dating format be without the right "counterparts"? Therefore, TVNOW has now also presented the 20 candidates who will fight for the heart of the princess. There are many differences here, both visually and in terms of character. Among other things, these should also ensure that the first season of the format is not boring. It remains to be seen who Irina will ultimately choose. The 20 Princess Charming candidates in check 19 of the candidates fighting for the heart of Princess Charming Irina come from Germany. One has taken the slightly further journey from Austria to fall in love - ideally. The youngest candidate is 21 years old, the oldest 33. However, marginal data like this should not help dear Irina too much. Because: just as...
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How do Islam and LGBTQ fit together?

"Love is halal" - How do Islam and gay, bisexual, lesbian as well as transgender people fit together? The action "Love is halal" stands for more openness and tolerance towards queers. The Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Mosque wants to show that it is quite possible to combine faith and LGBTQ. To do this, they give queers a face within the faith community. Posters of Muslims and Muslim women have been put up all over Berlin, showing how - in the truest sense of the word - the world can be colorful here too. The quotes accompanying the images are likely to stir and possibly shock some non-Muslims. Nevertheless, they represent, among other things, that a change seems to be taking place here. What do the queer posters in Berlin say? The statements of the photographed people are not long, but they are apt and to the point. Tugay, for example, explains: "I'm a Muslim, a believer, and I still have sex, and with girls.
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The Corona vaccination and life

When the question of the Corona vaccination divides the relationship There is hardly any other topic that is currently being talked about more: The Corona vaccination. Now that the AstraZeneca vaccine has been released for everyone, the prick seems to have moved a whole lot closer for many people. At the same time, however, it seems that there has rarely been an issue that has divided citizens more. Do people need a vaccination against Corona? Can the prick even be dangerous? And what about five years from now? Among other things, questions and discussions do not stop at relationships. When vaccination advocates meet vaccination refuseniks, the domestic situation can quickly become unbalanced. But what if your partner doesn't want to accept your opinion? There are (actually) no compromises here. And yet sometimes the best solution is not far away. Tip #1: Talk to each other about the Corona vaccine. The good news is: as long as two people are r...
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My friend humiliates me

Help, Dr. Randy, my partner is humiliating me. I can't take it anymore! (Karsten, 46 years) I am Karsten, I am 46 years old and I have been together with my boyfriend for over seven years. We often move in the BDSM scene, which turns me on personally very much. But this is also not the real problem. Unfortunately, I have noticed for some time that my boyfriend takes what we do in bed into everyday life. I don't know how to explain it. Sometimes he really insults me in front of our friends. He says I'm stupid, incompetent and generally too fat. The whole thing went so far the other day that I got up and left. I think there's a huge difference between role-playing in bed and actually making my partner feel like he's not worth anything. Somehow I don't want to break up. Slowly, though, I don't see any way out of it. He doesn't take me seriously when I complain about it. I hope you Kannst Helfen, thank you your Karsten ...
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