Trans woman fights against discrimination

Trans woman continues to fight against discrimination in professional life in Düsseldorf It is always frightening how trans people are still discriminated against in this day and age. One example that made it into the media, among others, is the scandal surrounding the treatment of a trans woman from Moers. Her case has now been heard at the Düsseldorf District Court. She had applied to a privately run nursing home and was not placed because of her transsexuality. Now she wants to obtain compensation for this. What had happened? This is an obvious question. Why is the trans woman suing for compensation? What exactly happened? The reason for her action is that she feels discriminated against. Last fall, she did a trial job at a private nursing home. The whole thing had actually gone well and the potential employer had also been satisfied with her performance. Nevertheless, she received...
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Bushman and the transsexual law

TSG: Marco Buschmann emphasizes the high importance of communication The discussions around the abolition of the degrading TSG ("Transsexual Act") do not stop. The fronts between those who want the TSG to finally become history and those who see the whole thing as "not so bad after all" are still hardened. Now Marco Buschmann of the FDP has once again spoken out. He explained that he misses the respect of those who continue to hold on to the transsexual law. What exactly does Marco Buschmann criticize? That Marco Buschmann of the FDP is an opponent of the transsexual law is not new. In the past, he has often spoken out in favor of its abolition and even now he does not tire of emphasizing how outdated the corresponding requirements are. To the classification: The transsexual law is meanwhile already about 40 years old. In the meantime a lot has happened, so that it is now at the latest...
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The new casting show with Sam and Rafi

New casting show: Sam Dylan and Rafi Rachek are looking for a mother for their child It's no secret that Sam Dylan and Rafi Rachek want a child. For a long time, the two influencers repeatedly emphasize that offspring is planned. However, the HOW is just a little questioned. Because: Allegedly, a casting show is planned, in which both are looking for the mother of their child. The whole thing is then to be broadcast this year, more precisely: in the summer. Show to be called "All you need is love Not much is known about the concept or the exact content of the show. Allegedly, the spectacle will run under the title "All you need is love". With the help of a mother, the dream of a joint family life is to be fulfilled. If you are a woman interested in helping Sam and Rafi, you can already register for this on a platform. However, to make one thing clear: The two are not looking for a surrogate mother...
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Gay brothel

Sex in gay brothel Again and again I was so jealous of all the straight guys who are lucky enough to go to an establishment where they can find what they crave for. It's not so easy for us gays to find a gay brothel or a nudist sauna club or the like, where you don't have to rely on annoying flirting. In some places it is simply nicer to just get your greed satisfied and not always have to think about saying the wrong thing when flirting. One wrong word, especially if the gay is then also a little diva and the evening is ruined. This has really ruined many evenings for me. I must say that I am self-employed and therefore prefer to get now and then simply that when and when I want it. Therefore, I prefer to pay for it, but then I don't have to butter up the guys to get what I'm looking for. It sounds...
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These trends are hot for spring 2022

The fashion-conscious man should, of course, listen not only to current trends, but also to his personal taste. After all, it is particularly important that everyone feels comfortable in the clothes he wears. In any case, it also does not hurt to be inspired in each new season. A look at the fashion tips for spring 2022 shows, among other things, that the dark season is now definitely coming to an end. If you're in the mood for "cheerful fashion", you've come to the right place. But which colors, which motifs and which designs are particularly in vogue when it comes to being "up to date"? The following sections will help. Trend No. 1: Neon colors Bright colors are definitely allowed in spring 2022. The corresponding garments, among others, have been on the catwalks of the world for quite some time. It's high time they also made their way into closets. Bright, colorful neon colors simply put you in a good mood. Who here bes...
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Gay sex cologne

Horny gay sex cologne stories I just love my city, here you go alone and will never stay alone. I have already so often evening around the houses and thought to myself how bored I am. And it ended in an unforgettable evening. Cologne is simply ingenious. Also the gay scene or just this scene always gives you a huge pleasure. Not only when it comes to gay sex Cologne also generally meet great guys, get new ideas or, or, or? I am really again and again so happy to live in this great city. But without question, the sex you find there is unimaginably versatile. Just the other day it was impressive again. I was in a bar in the Bermuda Triangle, there I had a date with some good friends. Actually, it was also not a bar where you would go as a gay now dating or to pick up. Now comes the brilliant part of the story, all thought also that, the i...
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LGBTQI+ activists demonstrate against Putin

That members of the LGBTQI+ have a particularly difficult time in many eastern countries is beyond question. Accordingly, it is all the more groundbreaking that Ukrainian LGBTQI+ activists have now decided to set an example and criticize Putin's actions. Loudly and with great publicity. Here's how the activists are speaking out against the Russian leadership In a message published by the organizers of Kyiv Pride, it is stated that they will "never give up". Parallel rallies were held throughout the country. The credo was always clear: the participants were concerned with showing that they are against the war. At the same time, they want to get Putin to stop the fighting. As usual, as disillusioning as it may sound, the regime cracks down on those who disagree with it - whether they are in Russia or in another country. Meanwhile, it is said to...
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Berlin's administration trains "Diversity

Berlin administration to be trained on diversity The Berlin administration is to be trained in diversity over the next three years. The corresponding project runs under a diversity state program and includes, among other things, a total of 30 measures relating to the area of "diversity and personnel management". The area of language and images and the use of language in general are also to be discussed and the relevant content taught. Why is training needed? Language, sexual orientations or their presence in society, and many other topics related to the queer scene, among others, change over time. A classic example? The LGBT community became the LGBTQI+ community. The percentage of people who see themselves as non-binary is increasing and more and more people are finding the courage to stand by themselves and their orientation. This is exactly what the Berlin administration, among others, is now...
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"Queer Wine" Competition Starts in Rhineland-Palatinate

The "Queer Wine" competition has been launched in Rhineland-Palatinate with the aim of promoting more diversity. It's all about diversity... and the juice of the vine. It's no coincidence that the whole thing is taking place in this federal state. After all, much of the wine produced in Germany is made in the region. The initiative was launched under the Minister for Family Affairs, Katharina Binz of the "Die Grünen" party. In this way, the focus is to be placed on more equality. Who mix of pleasure and an important topic could rise. After all, the competition is something of a premiere and a combination that has never been seen before in this form. Who can take part? The target group of applicants addressed by "Queer Wine" is large. Because: Every winery that is located in Rhineland-Palatinate and where queer people work in a "responsible position" can submit their application. Through the wet...
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