5 Tips for learning to argue

With these 5 tips, you can learn to argue properly. Even grandma knew, "A thunderstorm clears the air.". Arguing is important. Surely there is no couple that has been together longer and where it has not "really cracked" at least once. However, so that a big fight does not mean the end of the relationship, it is important to follow some "basic rules". Of course, there is no guarantee that the partnership will last forever, even with arguments. Nevertheless, a few tips can ensure that the whole thing goes over as stress-free as possible... Even when the fronts are hardened. Tip No. 1: Don't argue "between door and door". It may sound a bit theatrical, but an argument takes time. At least when everything really needs to be said. If you start ranting and then leave the room like a diva, you may feel like the winner for a short time... But only for a short time. That's why it's all the more important...
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Soon to include anti-queer law in Georgia

Anti-queer law may become a sad reality in Georgia, too America is considered the "land of opportunity". Currently, however, it looks as if the rights of queers will also be severely restricted in the US state of Georgia. Among other things, in recent days and weeks there have been repeated reports about anti-queer laws in other states, for example in Texas or in Florida. For example, the "Don't say Gay" law there is supposed to ensure that children and young people are not confronted with queer content in school. Should the Georgia law actually be passed, however, it would "step it up a notch". That's because: it's not just aimed at members of the community, but also at People of Color. What's behind the Georgia bill? The bill states, among other things, that it is intended to prevent teachers from talking about gender identity....
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The scene wants more diversity

Many Germans are in favor of more diversity in advertising According to a survey, many people from Germany are in favor of more diversity in advertising. Among other things, this relates to the age and sexuality of models and protagonists. The corresponding findings are based on a short YouGov study and were published as part of a press release. It also shows that the number of those who deal with the topic of diversity has apparently increased. Around one in four said they had already dealt with diversity in general in the past. In this context, it is also interesting to note that many people have a different understanding of diversity. However, around half of the people who took part in the survey essentially equated the term with a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. After that...
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Gay sex in the forest

Lovely stories of gay sex in the forest Do you know it, when the desire overcomes you again? When your desire almost eats you up? When everything inside you screams for new and exciting experiments. Most of the time I'm not brave enough to take that step. I always have this fear that I will not be able to cope with the situation. That is simply extremely demoralizing. You want so much, you have the possibilities, but in the end you give up. This has happened to me so often and several times. And every time I could kick myself in the ass afterwards. I have also often talked to friends about it and many it was similar. But one of them is such a crazy dog, he really does every crap. What is really funny is to listen to his stories. The other day he told me about gay sex in the forest. Since I'm so what from clairaudient. I should say that this is a fantas...
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Ali Khamenei has made homophobic remarks

Iranian head of state Ali Khamenei calls homosexuality a lack of morality It is no secret that queers in many countries of the world do not have it easy, are discriminated against and even persecuted. However, it is speeches like that of the Iranian head of state Ali Khamenei, among others, that once again leave people speechless. He recently spoke out about apparently not being able to comprehend how homosexuals can be accepted. Among other things, he also took a sharp verbal shot at the West in this context. The summarized content of a homophobic speech Head of State Ali Khamenei is both a religious and political leader. He gave a speech a few days ago, some of which was unsurpassable in terms of homophobia. The whole thing was broadcast on state television and accordingly reached many people. One of the key points of his statements was to call the being immoral. According to the newsage...
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Colombia recognizes non-binary people

Colombia also finally recognizes non-binary people This is not only good news for the community in Colombia, but undoubtedly also a success in international terms: the highest court of Colombia has ruled that non-binary people and their gender must be officially recognized in the future. This means that there will now be a third gender on the identity documents of Colombians. Accordingly, those who live there and feel that they are non-binary will no longer have to choose between "man" or "woman," but will instead be able to admit to themselves "on paper." This is a significant step forward that can definitely be considered a success. Being "non-binary" is accordingly equated with being "male" or "female". How did the "rethinking" come about? Such laws are of course not created "from now on". And also around the equality of non-binary...
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What will the Berlin CSD 2022 be like?

Will the CSD in Berlin be celebrated in a big way again? Among other things, CSDs around the world have also suffered from the Corona pandemic in recent years. Many events took place online. Many activists also got on their bicycles to carry the demand for more equality into the world. According to the statements of the organizers of the Berlin CSD 2022, however, the whole thing could already look different again this year. If you keep in mind that in a few weeks there may be almost no more Corona rules, you can look in this context quite positive mood in the future. Of course, no one has a crystal ball and, as experience has shown, it is always possible that a new virus variant will throw a spanner in the works. But: If everything (or many things) will be like before, the Berlin CSD e. V. is of the opinion that the CSD 2022 can become as big as the CSD 2019...
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Big wave of help for queer Ukrainians

Many organizations help queers from Ukraine - also in Germany Among the numerous refugees from Ukraine are also many queers. They are also in need of help. In the meantime, special services have been set up at central locations, for example at the main train station in Berlin, so that queer refugees can be cared for and advised. Among other things, language barriers must of course be overcome here. However, the number of people who have volunteered to assist is overwhelming. Among other things, sleeping places and other assistance are arranged in this way. What organizations are over-supporting incoming queers from Ukraine? To begin with, the list of organizations that now specialize in supporting Ukrainian queer refugees is long. Accordingly, only a brief excerpt can be given here. However, it shows how versatile the offers of help already are and how much...
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Queer worship service launches March 13

Queer service in Munich will be led by Cardinal Marx Those who are a little familiar with Cardinal Marx's history may know that the clergyman was not always necessarily friendly towards queers. On the contrary. Just a few years ago, he was still calling gays, lesbians and others who belong to the community "failed." Now he seems to have changed his mind - at least a little. Because: under his leadership, a queer church service will take place in Munich on March 13, 2022. Actually a nice proof that it is obviously possible after all to turn away from one's own homophobic statements and become tolerant instead. Info around the event in Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx serves as archbishop in Munich and in Freising. He is still known to many members of the community for his homophobic statements, among other things. Since then, several years...
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