Valery Maria Lehner is not allowed to go to Egypt

Berlin trans woman is not allowed to enter Egypt Actually, trans woman Valery Maria Lehner wanted to go on vacation to the Red Sea. However, she was denied entry at the airport in Egypt. Instead, she was detained for several hours and without being informed about the exact reason. The special thing: The man who accompanied her was allowed to enter without even the slightest inquiry being made. Was it because he is a cis man? What happened at the airport in Egypt? According to Valery Maria Lehner, the officials at the airport spent a comparatively long time looking at her passport. After that she was asked to wait. She was not told why she was not allowed to pass. One of the officials took her passport and disappeared with it. In the end, the trans woman had to justify herself to the officers. She was asked again and again why she had come to Egypt and how long she had planned to stay there.
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Archbishop criticizes "marriage for all

Archbishop Haas offers harsh criticism of "marriage for all" Archbishop Haas of Vaduz has published his Lenten letter. He used this opportunity to speak out pejoratively against marriage for all. This, he said, was a "diabolical attack". Strictly speaking, it is not surprising that Haas should strike these tones. With regard to the topic of same-sex love, nothing else would have been expected from him. In the past, he has repeatedly made disparaging remarks about queers. The discussion continues - Marriage for all in the Principality of Liechtenstein For quite some time now, people have been talking about whether the marriage ban for same-sex couples in the Principality of Liechtenstein should be abolished or not. Now the archbishop responsible here, Haas, is also getting involved. He refers to the "God-ordained marriage" that is being attacked by marriage for all. This, he says, is a "diabolical attack" on something that...
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Elya Shchemur became a victim of war

LGBTQI+ activist Elya Shchemur is dead LGBTQI+ activist Elya Shchemur turned only 21 years old. She died during the bombing of Kharkiv. The Kharkiv Pride association has already issued a statement to this effect. Thus, Elya had been staying near the center of the city when the bombing began, which ultimately brought her death. The LGBTQI+ activist had reported for duty at a defense office. Who was Elya Shchemur? Elya Shchemur was well-known within the local scene. The activist always stood up for the rights of the community and participated in many events in the city when it came to defending the values of democracy and bringing its high value to the outside world. In addition, she stood up for human rights and was also present at various Prides. In short, a person who may have inspired many - especially within the community. Her services were voluntary. She fought for...
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Trans contestant on Love Island

For the first time, a trans contestant will compete on Love Island. Fans of trash TV love it: Love Island. Soon, next Monday at 20:15, the seventh season of the hit format will start. This time everything runs under the motto "Festival of Love". Within three weeks, the partner for life, or perhaps "just" a flirt or a sex adventure, is to be found in this way. Perhaps the winners will not only find the big love, but also the considerable sum of 50,000 euros. This time in the middle of it all: trans woman Jessica. She is on the search for her dream man. She told RTL, among other things, that she had already come out to her mother at the age of 12. What is Love Island all about? Regardless of the fact that this is the first time that a trans woman has participated in Love Island, the basic rules have not changed. In the seventh round, it's still all about ...
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The 5 biggest date myths at a glance

In the context of an involuntary single life, dating is essential to finding a partner for life (or for one night). Over the course of time, some unwritten rules have crept in here that are still relevant today. But how much truth is there in them? Usually not much. Instead, dating today is more individual than ever. Accordingly, anyone who does not adhere to the following rules is far from being a bad dater! On the contrary! Sometimes it's all the more fun to break out of the crowd, isn't it? Five date myths put to the test The date is approaching in leaps and bounds, and of course you want to make a good impression. But how exactly does that work? Perhaps the first step is to say goodbye to the well-worn paths and go new ways?! The following dating myths are definitely outdated. Myth #1: You can't kiss on the first date. On the first date there is still no...
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These zodiac sign couples have the best sex

These zodiac signs fit together particularly well sexually It's not for nothing that sex is considered the "most beautiful secondary matter in the world". Sometimes, however, there is still room for improvement, depending on the partner. But what is the reason for this? Some people are of the opinion that the star sign of the two "protagonists" plays a much greater role here than is often thought. Still others would probably simply say "Tough luck!" and not do any research into zodiac signs and co. But: Why not, actually? And actually, it's certainly a bit of fun to do some research here, to recall one or the other ex and to react with an "Oh, that's what it was because of! Either way, and regardless of how one(s) feels about the topic of sex and zodiac signs: The following sections can at least serve as food for thought. However, it should always be kept in mind that astrology is a so-called "science"....
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Changes in body searches

Gender identity to be given more consideration during strip searches in prisons Anyone who has to go to prison has to undergo a body search at the beginning. In Baden-Württemberg, the distinction between men and women is no longer the only factor to be taken into account. The fact that people can also have a different gender identity will soon be taken into account even more. Accordingly, the everyday life of trans prisoners could change significantly in this federal state. It could still take a little time before everything is actually in place. Currently, those responsible are in the process of collecting different opinions on the topic. What is the status and what could change? The number of trans prisoners in prisons in Baden-Württemberg is small. And yet, of course, it is also important to provide those affected with individual care and not simply overlook the fact that they are not being held here in classically ...
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Will "homo cures" be banned in Bern?

There is hardly a topic that is discussed so much - especially within the community - as the "homo healings" or conversion therapies and their prohibition. The canton of Bern in Switzerland is no exception in this context. Now it is once more in the room that the therapies are to be forbidden country widely. Because: The fact that this is an extremely homophobic, discriminatory and harmful procedure should nowadays be doubted by almost no one. Several politicians in Bern against "homo cures The Grand Council in the canton of Bern has voted. A total of 90 votes were in favor of creating a directive to push for a ban on conversion therapies. In total, there were just over 50 votes against. It was particularly interesting in this context that the politicians and policy makers who spoke in favor of the ban came from a wide variety of parties. Even though they were in much...
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Chile says "YES!" to gay marriage

In Chile, gay weddings are celebrated from now on A few days ago the time had come: In Chile the first same-sex couples got married. The law no longer stands in the way of the lovers. Because: Now it is officially allowed to live and celebrate gay marriages. The first two lovers who decided to take this step go by the names of Jaime Nazar and Javier Silva. They stopped by the registry office in Santiago de Chile to tie the knot. Both could not suppress their emotions... Among other things, perhaps because they realized for themselves that they were just celebrating the beginning of a new era for the community in the country? From the word "yes" to the interview The wedding ceremony was simple and beautiful. The couple's children were also present. After the wedding ceremony, the lovers were greeted by a radio station. Here they could then give free rein to their emotions at the microphone....
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