Archbishop Haas makes a harsh criticism of "marriage for all"

Archbishop Haas from Vaduz has published his Lenten letter. He used this opportunity to speak out pejoratively against marriage for all. This, he said, was a "diabolical attack". Strictly speaking, it is not surprising that Haas should strike these tones. With regard to the topic of same-sex love, nothing else would have been expected from him. In the past, he has repeatedly made disparaging remarks about queers.

Archbishop criticizes marriage for all

The discussion continues - Marriage for all in the Principality of Liechtenstein

For some time now, there has been talk about whether or not the ban on marriage for same-sex couples in the Principality of Liechtenstein should be abolished. Now the archbishop responsible here, Haas, is also getting involved. He refers to the "God-ordained marriage" that is being attacked by marriage for all. This is a "diabolical attack" on something that is "founded in the salvific will of the Creator and Redeemer". It is a fact over which man has "no power of disposal.

In addition to his criticism of marriage for all, he obviously can't help taking a side swipe at transsexuality and queerness in general when he goes on to write that God "created man as man and woman" and then exactly these two genders were destined for marriage. Humans would live in a time "in which this divine order of creationwould bebroken through many times and even fundamentally questioned".

In short: a homophobic statement that shocks not only members of the queer community, but also those who feel connected to it.

Why is marriage for all still being discussed in the Principality of Liechtenstein?

This is a question that more people than ever are asking themselves. Why is it necessary to discuss something that is actually only meant to create equality and emphasize the love between two people?

One of the reasons why Haas decided to include this topic in his letter is surely that the debate surrounding the opening of marriage for all now seems to be playing an increasingly important role in politics. And: Currently, it looks good that the new law could be waved through in the future.

Here it can be assumed that the Principality dares to look to the right and to the left every now and then... And sees that same-sex couples are also allowed to say "yes" to each other in Austria and in Switzerland (soon, from July 2022), among others. The current situation in Liechtenstein looks (still?) a little different. Since 2011, same-sex partnerships can be registered here. But: There are still significant differences in terms of the rights associated with this.

At present, it remains to be seen whether or not the policy's aspirations will be heard in the future. At the same time, of course, it would be interesting to know to what extent the archbishop's letter contributes to the formation of opinion.

Last but not least, the Princely House in Vaduz still has the right to veto the decision. The probability that this option will be exercised is (unfortunately) not small. Because: On the part of the Princely House, there have always been critical voices around same-sex love in connection with the possibility to marry.


Did you notice that the activist Elya Shchemur was also a victim of the war?

One response to "Archbishop criticizes "marriage for all""

  1. Yes, what do you expect from them, but not all are like that, there are many who think differently.


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