A trans contestant competes on Love Island for the first time

Fans of trash TV love it: Love Island. Soon, next Monday, at 8:15 p.m., the seventh season of the hit format will start. This time everything runs under the motto "Festival of Love". Within three weeks, the partner for life, or perhaps "just" a flirt or a sex adventure, is to be found in this way. The winners may not only have their big love awaiting them, but also the considerable sum of 50,000 euros.

This time in the middle of it all: trans woman Jessica. She is on the search for her dream man. She told RTL, among other things, that she had already come out to her mother at the age of 12.

Trans contestant on Love Island

What is Love Island about?

Regardless of the fact that this is the first time that a trans woman has participated in Love Island, the basic rules have not changed. In the seventh round, the goal is to find the right partner.
The whole thing takes place on the beautiful island of Tenerife and will certainly once again ensure high ratings.

Among other things, due to the fact that viewers can vote via app and thus have a little influence on what happens on Tenerife, Love Island will certainly also be exciting in 2022 and a "feast" for real trash TV fans. Questions like "Who gets to go on the date?" or "Who should be voted out?" will now be answered by viewers at home. At the end, a vote will be held to decide who gets to take home the prize money.

Dating shows are also becoming queerer - among other things, the community is also particularly pleased

Meanwhile, there are numerous shows in whose context queers "at once" play an important role. A classic example of this is certainly "Prince Charming", the "gay bachelor" who just doesn't hand out roses, but ties. But also in other broadcasts, the participation of queer candidates is becoming more and more normal.
For example, in the past the first trans woman on Germany's next Topmodel already tried to convince Heidi and also during the current Bachelor season there is a participant who apparently has no problem explaining that she likes both men and women. And even on "First Dates," men and men and women and women now meet.

Meanwhile, the "outcry" at queer participants or statements on the topic remains largely absent. And that's exactly what many people who feel part of the community are fighting for: the good feeling that it's perfectly normal to have a different sexual orientation than "the rest.

Trans contestant on Love Island

A trans woman on Love Island - many are thrilled

Of course, there are always critics, and it would certainly have been a bit naive to assume that the fact that a trans woman will be part of the upcoming season of Love Island would really be received positively by everyone. But: There are - especially in the social networks - quite a few people who celebrate the fact that the 22-year-old Jessica is there.

It should also be particularly interesting to see how Jessica and her fellow campaigners deal with the topic. However, it is already clear that the visibility of the community will once again be increased through participation.


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