The administration in Berlin is to be trained on diversity

The Berlin administration is to be trained in diversity over the next three years. The corresponding project runs under a diversity state program and includes, among other things, a total of 30 measures relating to the area of "diversity and personnel management". The area of language and images and the use of language in general are also to be discussed and the relevant content taught.

Berlin's administration trains diversity

What is the need for training?

Language, sexual orientations or their presence in society, and many other topics related to the queer scene, among others, change over time. A classic example? The LGBT community became the LGBTQI+ community. The percentage of people who see themselves as non-binary is increasing and more and more people are finding the courage to stand by themselves and their orientation.

This is precisely what is now to be taken into account in Berlin's administration, among other things. The goal should be to react competently and correctly to the new circumstances, the new use of language, and so on. Everyone should be able to receive the best possible advice, regardless of their sexual orientation or worldview. And this is precisely where the comprehensive training program comes in.

In order to ensure that all the content can actually be taught, the corresponding training program was set to last three years.

Berlin as a cosmopolitan city with a skilled administration

The fact that the training courses take place within the administration in Berlin fits in with the city's image. Diversity is practiced here in a wide variety of areas. It's no wonder that the demand for said training is correspondingly high.
The willingness of employees to invest time here also shows how open Berliners are and how important it is to them that everyone feels comfortable in their city.
Accordingly, the corresponding measures not only send a signal to the community, but also to the rest of Germany. After all, this is not just an afternoon training session, but almost a kind of process. However, the duration of three years shows how much has changed over time and how important it is to ensure that as many people as possible are "up to date".

Berlin's administration trains diversity

Sexual orientation, gendering, etc. - what would actually be so bad about continuing as before?

This is a question that many people who are not within the community ask themselves. How do transgender people actually want to be addressed? How do I address a person who is non-binary? And what does "diverse" actually mean? Not knowing the right answers to these and many other questions does not have to have anything to do with ignorance or the like. Many people have simply - for whatever reason - not yet come to terms with the fact that there is now so much more besides "gay", "bi" and "lesbian".

The fact that the language and also the use of language and the corresponding possibilities have changed here in the meantime has been received very positively by the community in general. After all, so many people have found a way in this way to define themselves, quasi "on paper", better for others as well.

Now it is all the more important that cis persons who have never dealt with the topic(or at least not in detail) learn to deal with the corresponding terminology. And that is exactly what takes time. We can only hope that Berlin will not remain the only city to focus on this issue and that many other cities and municipalities will follow suit. Only in this way can something change in the long term.


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