Swiss donations for Ukrainian queers

Swiss fundraiser for queers is very well received The Swiss LGBTQ Emergency Fund for Ukraine aims to raise money for Ukrainian queer refugees. The campaign is only a few days old, but is already well received. In the meantime, more than 50,000 Swiss francs have been collected. Among others, the lesbian organization Switzerland and Pink Cross have called for donations. However, the action is supported and further promoted by a wide variety of people from a wide variety of backgrounds ... also in the social networks. In addition, many Swiss people have already come forward to help improve the situation for those affected. What happens with the donations? The donations collected through the LGBTQ Emergency Fund for Ukraine should go to queer Ukrainians. Among other things, this should also support the organizations on the ground. And even if - according to the organizers - now already the 50,000 francs...
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How do I find a connection in a gay cinema?

Hello Dr. Randy! How can I find a connection in a gay cinema? (Tim, age 32) I am one of the (probably few) men who actually manage to leave a gay cinema without having sex. It's not that I don't feel like it, but somehow all I can do is watch one after the other get towed away. I always come up empty and I'm seriously starting to wonder what I'm doing wrong. I already have no desire to go out. Thx Tim Hello Tim, basically it should be said that not every flirt or sex tour has to be crowned with success. Even the most passionate lover has gone home unsatisfied at some point. Could it be that you are too uptight about the "gay cinema project"? Freely according to the motto "I am here now and MUST have sex now!" it can be that you restrict yourself and so - of course - the fun of the thing is lost. Many men make the mistake that ...
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After the wedding is before the marriage

What will be different after the wedding? Many queer couples have been waiting, hoping and finally fulfilling a big dream: they are getting married. But: What actually changes with the famous "Yes, I do!"? Of course, in any case, it is to be hoped that love will remain the same and that one's relationship will become further proof that it is possible to be happy for the rest of one's life. But: As bureaucratic as it may sound, it is also important to deal with other "framework conditions". Note: The following list is not exhaustive, but it highlights some important priorities. Change No. 1: The tax aspect An absolute classic! The income tax can now be assessed together. In this way, it is often possible to save money. Because: For example, it is possible to use the basic tax allowances completely in each case. As a result, the tax rates decrease. The gan...
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Malik Harris competes for Germany at the ESC

It's done! Germany has an official representative at the ESC 2022, and his name is Malik Harris. The 24-year-old enters the race with his song Rockstars. In general, this year's ESC preliminary decision also had the motto "A little bit of peace" in a way. The audience in the studio wore masks in the colors of Ukraine. In addition, flags were waved showing the German flag on one side and the Ukrainian flag on the other. Particularly moving was the moment when Conchita Wurst, Gitte Haenning and Jane Comerfort sang Nicole's "Ein bißchen Frieden" and Jamala, the 2016 ESC winner from Ukraine, sang her song "1944". Who is Malik Harris? Malik Harris entered the race with the starting number "1". Some might have thought of a "bad omen" here. After all, the first ones tend to be remembered less? In this case, however, that did not prove to be the case. Malik managed to win both the jur...
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My buddy has terminated my friendship

Hello Dr. Randy, My best buddy quit my friendship after my outing (Marcel, 19 years). I am completely desperate. I have known for about two years that I am gay. I've had secret affairs on and off, but I've decided that I now want to come out publicly with my gayness. Since I had a lot of anxiety about coming out anyway, I figured the best place to start would be with my buddy. We've known each other since kindergarten (!), so the trust factor is high. Unfortunately, however, my buddy did not react as I had hoped. At first he thought it was a joke and laughed at me. Then he became serious and said that then our friendship was history. After all, he didn't want "God and the world" to think he was gay, too. That was the last I heard from him. Since then we have had no more contact with each other. That was a week ago. I am very sad, especially, ...
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US television focuses on queerness

According to the annual report "Where We Are on TV," a lot has now happened in terms of queerness on American TV. There are now significantly more queer series characters than was the case just a few years ago. Their visibility in the media has increased accordingly. The community is happy about it. And yet it would (unfortunately) still be too early to speak of equality. But: Every step in the right direction counts. The annual report in detail: What information emerges from Where We Are on TV? According to said annual report, which was recently released, nearly 12 percent of series that are scripted and run in prime time on American TV are said to be queer. According to GLAAD, there has never been as much queer content in the past as there is today. Those tasked with compiling the report counted a total of more than 770 figures who are part of the community. Most of them (40 percent...
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Stalking! He will not leave me alone

Hello Dr. Randy, I am desperate. I broke up with my boyfriend about three months ago. It just didn't fit anymore and we grew apart. And now stalking is a daily occurrence with me. Sure: it's always easier for the one who leaves, and I knew that my boyfriend would have to nibble at the end of the relationship. But I didn't expect the whole thing to degenerate like this now. He bombards me with messages through all channels. Wherever I am - be it in the supermarket - he is also conspicuously often. In the meantime, he has also started to badmouth me to our mutual friends. At the same time, he regularly sends me flowers and gifts - often even with photos of us as "postcards". He knows that I can't (and don't want to) imagine a future together with him, but he won't give up. What should I do? LG, Your Frederik Dear Frederik, as you said: the one who leaves always has it easier. Ge...
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Florida - Don't Say Gay law is through

In Florida, the Don't Say Gay law has passed Everyday life for the LGBTQI+ scene in the "Sunshine State" of Florida has become a bit more homophobic with the latest law. Strictly speaking, the relevant resolutions will in all likelihood ensure that the visibility of people who feel they belong to the community will continue to dwindle. By the way, behind the Don't Say Gay law is Joe Harding of the Republicans. What is behind the Don't Say Gay law? The Don't Say Gay law is actually quickly explained. At its base, the idea is to stop talking about sexual orientations and gender identities in the classroom. Children are thus denied access to information about homosexuality, transsexuality and other topics - at least in school. The new law is expected to play a role primarily in the state's elementary schools from now on. It was adopted with 69 votes. A total of 47 votes against were recorded....
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Man for man story

A hot man for man story I would like to tell you my man for man story. I didn't have it so easy when I first realized that I was into men. My parents are highly conservative. I was always convinced that if I told them that their world would collapse. They always talked about grandchildren and that they were eagerly waiting for my first girlfriend. And I've always been lusting after the guys and imagined how great it would be to have such a hot guy in bed. But every time I thought about what my family would say, I got scared. I even dated women simply because I felt compelled. But of course, they never really triggered any sexual attraction in me. I didn't even get a high when I thought that I had to think about a woman. I always wanted to...
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