An (almost) disappointing assfuck gay experience

Hello all. I also wanted to share my sexual experiences with you. I am Pierre, 24 years old and study law in NRW. My friends and family know that I am homosexual and have no major problem with it. On the contrary! My family supports me and stands behind me, which I really appreciate.

But a lot of things even my closest social environment does not know yet. Here I am particularly concerned about one thing: I have had a fetish for a long time, which I like to live out terribly. Last weekend I dared another time to go after my desire and a bit out of me.

I dreamed for a long time to organize a secret parking lot meeting and treat myself to a proper assfuck gay in the glow of the streetlights. Passively or actively I did not really care. The main thing is that I can enjoy the forbidden to the fullest.

Especially as someone who studies the law intensively as part of his studies, it is a special attraction to engage in sexual activity on "special terrain."

Unfortunately, my first experience at this level was just disappointing and I hope that I will dare to do this again. Because currently I have enough of anonymous dates from the Internet. Except for the disappointing assfuck, the evening was exactly as I imagined it ... and who knows? Maybe I'll have more luck in the near future? Who knows?

Parking lot romance and ass fuck gay experience

I just love to have sex in forbidden places. If the area is a little shady, it turns me on even more. You want to know what happened?

At some point I walked along the campus. I had taken an extra shift in the library to finish my term paper on time. It was getting dark. Then I saw the parking lot and had to imagine directly how I would enjoy a horny ass fuck there. Maybe just like that with a guy who just also happened to pass by here and had desire for me?

Why wait long? At home, I sat down at the computer and opened a gay chat forum where men arrange to do quick and horny numbers. I wasn't online long and already I got into conversation with a young man who also studied at my university and also fantasized about having forbidden sex in public places.

Therefore, it had not taken long to persuade him to meet us in the university parking lot to spend wonderful hours there. I already imagined the most beautiful assfuck gay situations. But unfortunately it should come differently.

We met at the appointed time. I was there a little earlier and waited under a lantern for my sex date. He let half an hour pass first. Exactly that annoyed me beastly.

Because every minute in that parking lot increased the chance that the supervisor would show up. While I was excited about exactly that, the whole thing also made me pretty horny. What if he came and we got caught? My cock was stirring, but not getting completely hard at this point. Let's just say: It was getting tight in my pants.

At some point, my date trundled in and he didn't seem to want to waste a lot of time talking. Instead, he looked at me briefly, grinned and pressed his tongue directly into my neck. I was surprised and overwhelmed, but I allowed the kiss and looked forward to what was to come.

We kissed for quite some time and groped each other over our clothes. I would have liked to enjoy the situation further and intensify the forbidden and secret more intimately, but unfortunately the forbidden fruit was to become a quick and listless number.

At least I was allowed to enjoy the thrill of "getting caught" and also had to do a little sprint home. This should happen in about a quarter of an hour. But I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.

Before that, my date roughly tore off my clothes and covered me superficially with kisses. He could hardly wait to get to my cock and ass. Therefore, it did not take long until we both stood naked in front of each other. He already had an enormous latte and I also felt like a proper ass fuck Gay ... even if I already had the premonition here that the whole thing would not become the "sex of my life".

He took a step towards me, pulled me to him and turned me around so that he could be satisfied with my asshole. The rimjob could have lasted a little longer, because I noticed how I was getting more and more horny. But before the lust could rise even more in me, he rammed his spanking into my ass without stretching or even slowing down.

I had to cry out briefly, because so unasked and especially unstretched no one has ever penetrated me. Without regard for losses, intent on his own relief, he fucked me wildly and violently and after only two minutes, even the assfuck gay was already over.

He fucked me fast and hard, grunting at some point and snotting his load into me. I stood there with slight pain and could not really enjoy the pleasure of the forbidden. So completely unsatisfied, however, I also did not want to go home.

I give the guy from the parking lot an ass fuck Gay and return the favor

It would have been even more depressing if I had given up my fun after this action. Therefore, I decided to make nails with heads. I grabbed the guy and fucked him. After all, I also wanted to have horny assfuck gay action.

But before I got to the happy ending, a park attendant noticed us and came right up to us. Then I let go of him and we ran in different directions so that the employee could not catch us both. I was lucky because he ran after my date.
I hid behind a tree and had enormous heart palpitations. But my cock was still pulsating with excitement. Shit, that was close! Before I went home, I jerked off behind the tree. I imagined the scene from just now again. Actually, I can not have felt this quickie as so inappropriate .... Anyway, it wasn't long before I was jerking off, imagining that the guy from before was standing in front of me. It was hard for me not to groan, but I managed to control myself. After that I went home.

This experience may not have been the best sexual experience I've ever had. However, I now know that I definitely want to have wild sex in a public parking lot much more often. The feeling and the whole shebang is just too awesome for me to give up.

But I will rather have such dates only with closer affairs or acquaintances, so that I am spared this classic "in-out".


Ever heard of ABDL stories?

4 responses to "Ass Fuck Gay"

  1. Oh yes. Very interesting and horny. I got straight to the point on a sex date like this, I find the story really cool! I'm always looking for guys like that for forbidden sex. It would be cool at a party in a dark corner where you can catch us! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


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