Swinger club stories

Wild swingers club stories It was just another successful evening, I must say. The place was full and the men had their fun as usual. The special parties only for gay men are always a success. And the stories that are experienced there are simply legendary. It was this event that brought out something that just won't happen at a normal party. Unless you pay the woman to do it. The gay men are just filthy through and through, which really brilliant swingers club stories to life. What do I start with when I report on this event. So imagine, the motto was Zorro and really everyone came in the corresponding costume, that alone had a brilliant flair. Then even on the playgrounds we couldn't do without the hats and masks. It's a real pleasure to see how well these guys take on the mottos. And also for the fun was provided with this motto. There the men...
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ZDF launches a non-binary series

ZDF will soon be showing a series with a non-binary character ZDF's programming could get a little queerer in the future. Because: The channel is currently working on a series in which much revolves around a non-binary character. A total of six parts are planned. The main character, Charlie, doesn't feel like a man and doesn't feel like a woman... And that should speak to the hearts of many queers right now. Filming will take place in the Hessian city of Offenbach. The new series on ZDF - what is known? There are already some details that make curious. For example, the series is to run under the working title "Charlie" and consist of a total of six parts. Charlie is a non-binary teen who is on a quest to find himself. One episode is supposed to last about 15 minutes. The idea came about during the Corona Pandemic. In addition to being available via the ZDF Mediathek, "Charlie" will then also be viewable on ZDF neo. The main role will be played by Lea Drinda. Many may...
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The Fraternal Birth Order Effect

Study: Those who have older brothers become lesbian or gay more often This is a study that is likely to cause a stir not only within the community. Because: According to the investigations of an Australian research team humans, who grow up with older brothers and sisters, become more frequently gay and/or lesbian. The basis for this finding was a survey with a total of nine million participants. The "Fraternal Birth Order Effect The finding that people with older siblings are more likely to become gay or lesbian even has a name. Researchers speak of the "Fraternal Birth Order Effect" in this context. This can already look back on a long history. Because: science has been dealing with this topic since the 1950s. ' Put simply, the proponents of the theory assume that the "Fraternal Birth Order Effect" is based on a certain reaction of the body ...
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Queer Eye Germany starts in March 2022

Many fans have been waiting for this for a long time. Now the time has finally come! The start date for Queer Eye Germany has been set: March 9, 2022. Anyone who wants to can then watch the show on a well-known streaming provider. However, this is about much more than "just" entertainment. Rather, the show is intended to help people who are currently struggling with themselves, have problems or simply want to stand by themselves. What exactly is Queer Eye Germany about? Put simply, Queer Eye is a show that has made it its business to help people. And because experience shows that every problem is different, the work here is based on five different areas. Always in focus: an increased quality of life for those affected. Depending on which area is to be worked on, a different coach is assigned to help. Accordingly, the series will not only be entertaining, but in many places also...
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Queer record on Jeopardy

There's no question about it: Jeopardy is one of the best-known quiz shows around. American Amy Schneider has now set a very special record. She managed to win a total of 40 shows and collected more than a million dollars. Now, however, her winning streak is over. Amy Schneider was on Jeopardy for more than two months. This is a very special record. The principle behind Jeopardy is quickly explained: The winner is allowed to come back again and again and defend his or her title. That's what happened to Amy Schneider. She won and won and thus managed to appear on the show as a contestant for two months. Now, however, she has been replaced by Rhone Talsma, also queer. However, the disappointment should be limited. With a winning sum of the equivalent of 1.2 million euros, leaving is certainly not difficult. Schneider was able to win through her participation...
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He wants to sleep separately

Hello, Dr. Randy, My boyfriend always wants to sleep apart (Sven, 38 years). My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year and now we want to move in together. "By the way" he announced to me today that it is important to him to have separate bedrooms. Hello? I'm not 80+, I'm 38 and I think it's great when my husband is next to me. It just seems very distant to me right now and I felt really put out. Am I exaggerating? This opinion is my friend, but I could just freak out again! Kind regards Sven Hello Sven, I can well imagine that you were very surprised when your boyfriend told you how he imagines your living together. At the same time, it should be said that there are now actually many couples who sleep in separate beds. This does not necessarily mean that the happiness of your relationship is on the line. In other words, has your boyfriend explained why he ...
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Tips for the common Corona quarantine

The current omicron wave not only has Germany firmly in its grip. Worldwide, the numbers are shooting up in a wide variety of countries and more and more people are having to isolate themselves for several days. That's exactly what can put a strain on existing relationships sooner or later. Regardless of how long two people have been together: If they are forced to spend time together and no one can go "out for some fresh air," friction occurs more often. If necessary, the following tips can help make the quarantine or isolation period a little more harmonious. Tip No. 1: Use free spaces wärend the quarantine (if possible) Even within a shared apartment it is possible to "fight" for a little free space. Whether it's the morning routine in the bathroom, cooking, or reading comfortably on the couch, you don't have to do everything together. It's also particularly important to have et...
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Transgender stories

Seductive transgender stories I just have to tell you this now. Something happened to me that I never expected. So I was on the road this weekend and was there so in one or the other store. When I got stuck in the one, I saw a woman, the madness. I just had to go and see her. An ass that was out of this world. A figure that was almost divine. Slim athletic crisp skin and legs up to the sky. A dream without wanting to exaggerate. Do not be surprised, the story still fits here. Well, I so ripping moderate just stubbornly towards them and without thinking about it they danced on. Surprisingly, she also went full on it and even let me really close to her. So it was really hot in the club, I'm there already the tube so swollen that I could not even get away from her, then everyone could see the bar. So we danced further, then ha...
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Will more rainbow flags soon be flying in Meck-Pomm?

The state parliament in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania demands that rainbow flags may also be flown on official buildings in the future. Currently, only the so-called "sovereign flags" are allowed here. Many members of the SPD, Die Linke, FDP and Die Grünen parties voted for a rethink. In connection with special occasions, it should now also be possible to hoist "non-sovereign" flags. If a decision were made accordingly here, it would be a kind of "caesura" in a sense. In other federal states, it is already permitted to hang the rainbow flag, for example in front of the city hall, as part of the CSD. In the past, a corresponding procedure was criticized especially by the CDU and the AfD. How do the critics argue? The fact that many representatives of conservative parties are not enthusiastic about two people of the same sex loving each other, for example, is not new. On the part of the CDU, the rejection of the r...
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