Dwt stories

Loving Dwt Stories Do you know it, when you are interested in things that do not always meet with a positive response from others? I used to have so much trouble with my sisters that you can't imagine. I always found their clothes much more appealing and beautiful than those for the boys. Also, it kind of excited me to dress like a girl and then when the boys looked after me because they thought I was a woman. But my butt was also always very crisp, my sisters could not keep up. That's why there were often arguments with them, especially when we were at the age where you're actually interested in the opposite sex. In my case it was the same sex. And so I often stole the guys from my sisters. Unfortunately, only until they have put them that I am a guy. You must know that I have a very petite figure, with a very well...
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LGBTQI+ ban in Poland's schools

There is no LGBTQI+ in Poland's schools. The curricula and learning content in Poland's schools will change in the future. After the LGBTQI+ free zones were already introduced in the country (and exactly this was criticized by the responsible persons in many countries), it was now decided that also contents about same-sex love and co. have no place in the curriculum. The country's conservative forces have now passed a law that will make the community and its members virtually invisible in schools. Few would have guessed that the plans would be implemented so quickly. Homophobic law already passed The opposition had fought back, but ultimately had no chance. Because: 233 to 220 delegates voted for the homophobic law and showed thereby once more, how heavily it has the community in Poland finally also today still. In order for the new regulations to become official now, the...
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LGBTQI+ Blessing Services

Blessing services to be repeated - many in the community pleased The blessing services of queer couples in 2021 were well received by many. After all, sexual orientation and faith are not mutually exclusive. Now the whole thing is to be repeated. Certainly also due to the high popularity. On 10, May (and thus on the same day as in 2021) it is to be then so far. On this day there is to be a "revival" for #liebegewinnt. The blessings are reserved exclusively for couples from the scene. All information that is known so far was published in a press release. New slogan for a popular action According to one of the initiators, pastor Burkhard Hose, there have been many requests for a repetition of the action in the meantime. Both from Germany and from abroad. Particularly exciting in this context is also the motto of the blessings in 2022. The action is to run under the motto "There is still much open". The message: ...
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Man for man gay story

The horny man for man gay story As every morning, I sat at my usual place in my favorite cafe before I have to go to work. As always, I ordered my cafe and delicious sandwiches. Everything was as usual, everything was so quiet and ordinary that it can be described simply with the word cozy. But on this day there came into the café someone I had never foreseen before. The staff didn't seem to know him either, as they treated him like a regular guest. Not like me, who comes and goes here as a regular. Where you know each other. No, he was a newcomer to the area. I didn't know him from anywhere else either. Neither from the gym nor from the park or otherwise the same. But he had a charisma that attracted everyone's attention. Only that he had entered the café, one perceived already. I hoped that it would be a man for man gay story. Neither, he has behaved conspicuously ode...
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Fuss about Harald Glööckler's relationship status...

The finale of the jungle camp was a few days ago now. One who did not make it to the throne, but is all the more present in the media, is here: Harald Glööckler. However, the occasion could certainly be more pleasing. After all, there are repeated reports that the designer has moved out of the villa he lives in with his husband. He has since moved into an apartment in Berlin. How long he will stay in his second home is still unclear. There is also no official statement on the current relationship status yet. However, there is also positive news. Because: The designer is to get his own show on RTL. So the jungle camp could have established another step on the ladder of success. What is known so far? According to witnesses, Harald Glööckler is said to have moved out of his villa. It was observed how moving vans stopped in front of the building and were packed. To the BILD newspaper and against...
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Romantic ideas for Valentine's Day

Soon it will be that time again: Valentine's Day is just around the corner and it is precisely this fact that causes panic in many people's minds. After all, not everyone is blessed with a romantic streak. But don't worry! The following sections are full of classic and individual ideas. When it comes to romance, it's once again "Back to the roots!" in 2022. "Traditional" definitely doesn't have to mean "boring." Romantic inspirations: How to make Valentine's Day a little more romantic Even though there may be many people who prefer material gifts: in the meantime, the trend is going in a different direction. Numerous lovers appreciate it when HE decides to invest in time together. Gifted togetherness brings joy for the moment and remains in memory for a lifetime. A few tips can help make the next Valentine's Day a unique one. Tip No. 1: A romantic candle light ...
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Emma Kohler against the "transsexual law".

The activist Emma Kohler demands the abolition of the "Transsexuellengesetz". In Germany, people live self-determined and do not have to fear any disadvantages in doing so... Or do they? If you take a look at the rights of queers, you often inevitably come across construction sites. The sentence "What more do you want? You already have everything?" - which often makes the rounds in social networks, is accordingly not only presumptuous, but simply wrong. In many countries, homosexual men are still only allowed to donate blood under certain conditions, and transsexual people also have to overcome a number of hurdles before their sexuality is recognized by the state. More and more voices are being raised against this injustice. One of them belongs to 17-year-old Emma Kohler. She is one of the many transsexual people who suffer from the provisions of the TSG ("Transsexual Act"). The corresponding regulations are several decades old and allow b...
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More rights for rainbow families

How could the rights of rainbow families in the EU be further strengthened? This is a question that not only concerns the community, but also politics. One person who is currently particularly committed to the community and is speaking out accordingly is Marco Buschmann from the FDP. He wants the ruling that was recently passed by the European Federal Court of Justice to be implemented throughout the EU. Not everyone is likely to be enthusiastic about this. After all, the initial situation in various EU countries, for example, is completely different from that in Germany. What exactly is Bushman demanding for rainbow families? Marco Buschmann is currently advocating, among other things, that parenthoods that have been officially recognized in one EU country should also be automatically recognized in the other countries of the European Community. There should be no distinction between hetero and homo partnerships. ...
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Butt spanking stories

The spanking stories for lovers The apartment is tidy, the drinks are prepared and my game companion is also coming over. A sweet young twink who likes it when after sex not only the rosette glows, but also the ass cheeks. In other words, I may spank him during fucking always nice and powerful butt. So spanking stories I have already operated with him in the most diverse places. But the best and most joy it gives then but simply at home. There you do not always have to restrain yourself so and you can really make sure that you spank the butt so that it glows in different colors. Not just red, but also purple, blue and green. It's always a pleasure to have the little boy on all fours in front of me. The best thing is, we met at a party, where I thought to myself, that as an old hand, there's no way I'm going to pick up a twink. Abe...
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