The spanking stories for lovers

Butt spanking stories

The apartment is tidy, the drinks are prepared and my game companion also comes right over. A sweet young twink who likes it when after sex not only the rosette glows, but also the ass cheeks. In other words, I may spank him during fucking always nice and powerful butt. So spanking stories I have already operated with him in the most diverse places. But the best and most joy it gives then but simply at home.

There you do not always have to restrain yourself so and you can really make sure that you spank the butt so that it glows in a variety of colors. Not just red, but also purple, blue and green. It's always a pleasure to have the little boy on all fours in front of me. The best thing is, we met at a party, where I thought to myself, that as an old hand, there's no way I'm going to pick up a twink. But he was so fascinated by the experience of a man that he has no interest in peers at all.

Lucky for me and it has even developed into a long-term affair. In the beginning, of course, we only touched what the other is so into. I still remember the first sex with him. He was so sweetly shy and hardly dared to ask me that he wanted it harder. But then when he blew me for the first time and when his eyes watered because he did it so deep and hard, I realized more and more that he was craving for something so hard. Because his eyes sparkled formally when he came to his limits.

The slam of the flat hand

So at some point I simply asked him how hard he had already had it. Then came the most surprising thing. He had his first time with me, but during masturbation he said he always punished himself. What led to the fact that he found the pain exciting. So I suggested to him that I will increase it slowly with him and he should say what he really likes. And my goodness could I go far. The first slap on his ass when I was inside him didn't even trigger a pleasurable moan from him. So I always hit a little harder.

Until at some point it really banged, then his rosette also contracted for the first time by the pain a little more. That in turn was very horny for me. So I knew he wanted to have such real, spanking stories. I have then also offered him. Again and again I increased the force of the blows. It also banged louder and louder on the fine and soft skin of my twink. The butt also became darker and warmer. He even started moaning lustily in pain, but still begging for more. First I did not know if I really wanted to do that to him, but he begged for more.

Since I could not resist. So I also spanked him without that I was in it, I put him quite classically over my knees and started. Long and hard until he cried for mercy for the first time. I granted him then for the time being, but I took the opportunity to fuck his now really tight rosette and every time his excitement was too big it banged again on his already sensitive butt. That was then exactly at his limit and he got a glow in his eyes that I knew, yes exactly that is what he is looking for and wants to feel. Even if it was a bit strange for me at first, I enjoyed his tight rosette very much.

Kinky twink and butt spanking stories

And exactly this twink comes to me tonight. However, we have already extended his pain limits what concerns his horny ass by quite a bit. Meanwhile, I can even use one or the other percussion instrument to spank his butt. Which of course makes the whole thing even more interesting. And a lot more exhausting for me. Crops, paddles and whips I can now use to get him so sore that when I finally fuck him only have to grip tightly so that he becomes really tight.

Today we want to try a cane. I think I have more respect for it than he does. With it you can inflict really nasty welts and pain. I really don't know if I can do that, but he is just such a horny dirty pig that I can't resist him. So I give him what he wants. And I can take him as I want. After the, butt spanking stories are over, it is called namely damn horny and hard sex with him to have. And there he does not only hold out the ass. If he really can no longer, then he begs me to Deep throats to be allowed.

He also masters this enormously well, it must be said. He is simply a small hot submissive twink who stands on the dominant men. I'm really curious what he will still bring me. But he also always has some new ideas. I am really open, but what goes through his head is really special. But I'm looking forward to every experience I'll have with him. Who knows what I will have to tell you next time.


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31 responses to “Po Versohlen Geschichten”

  1. Gibt es in Bremen und umzu jemanden der auch auf spanking, bdsm etc. steht?
    Gruß Welli

  2. An older gentleman has deflowered me on a public toilet my little butt and just before cuming he started to spank me with the flat of his hand my butt cheeks since then I wish it would make someone again while I masturbate and cum

    1. ich hatte auch mal den Hintern versohlt bekommen von meinen Tante die hatte den Stock genommen und hat mir gesagt ich soll die Hose runterziehen unterhose auch und mich dann über den tiefen Tisch legen und hat mir mit dem Stock ziemlich kräftig auf den nackten Po versucht

      1. Ich hatte auch mal von meinem Vater ziemlich kräftig den Hintern versohlt bekommen das tat er auch mal weh wer hatte eigentlich immer seinen Goethe aus der Hose gezogen und hat mir damit Gesagt ich soll mich auf mein bett legen und dann hatte er mir ziemlich kräftig auf die nackt versucht

    2. Hallo kleiner Popo, gerne würde ich dir die geilen Bäckchen ausklatschen. Noch viel lieber wenn du dein kleines Pimmelchen wichst. Melde dich einfach, und ich Klatsch dich so richtig schön durch.

  3. I'm looking for someone to spank my bare ass more often. Am not yet so experienced and hope to change this. Between Saarbrücken and Kaiserslautern I am mobile. Who spanks me???

      1. hello I think we want the same, write me on WhatsApp and we will see..015166808132

    1. ich wurde damals auch auf den nackten Po versohlt aber mir hat es nicht geschadet und auch manchmal mit dem Gürtel oder Stock oder den kochlöffel das tat der ziemlich weh

        1. Hallo ich bin Marilyn und ich bin in Dillingen Saar 66763 und du wo bist

      1. ich wurde auch damals von meinem Vater oder auch mal von meiner Oma oder Opa sehr oft auf den Hintern verhauen sogar mit dem Stock oder Gürtel oder mit dem kochlöffel wenn Oma mich mal was gegeben hat dann hat die gesagt hol die kochlöffel und zieh deine Hose runter musste ich mich über ihr Knie legen und sie hatte mich dann mit dem kochlöffel ziemlich kräftig auf den nackten Po versohlt dann kam mein Vater ins Haus und der hatte das gesehen dass Oma mir gerade den Hintern versohlt dann hat mein Vater gesagt ich mach weiter er hatte nur schon den Stock geholt so lange hat Oma mir noch den Hintern versohlt dann hat mein Vater zu mir gesagt junge bück dich und hat mir mit dem Gürtel ziemlich kräftig auf den nackten Po versohlt dann hat er gesagt sie deine Hose wieder hoch und 3 Stunden später kam Opa ins Haus und der hatte das von Oma und mein Vater mitbekommen dann ist Opa in mein Zimmer gekommen und hat zu mir gesagt junge zieht deine Hose runter unterhose auch und hat den Stock t und hat mir gesagt leg dich auf dem Bett und hat mir mit dem Stock auf den nackten Po versohlt

    2. ich suche auch an der mir mal so richtig schön den Hintern versucht aber leider muss ich das meistens alleine machen

  4. Looking for people who like me at that time still got the bare ass spanked and would like to feel this again!

    1. I got as a child regularly spanked and as a teenager also often the ass full.
      Later by chance as an adult by a friend who was on it to spank others the ass. He wanted it like times with my ass and I agreed. I liked it and still like it to spank my bare ass.

      1. Von wem hast du meistens den Hintern voll bekommen, ich von meiner Mama regelmäßig mit dem Kochlöffel oder der badebürste, und immer komplett nackig musste ich dabei sein.

        1. ich habe von Opa und von meinem Vater ziemlich oft mit dem Stock oder mit dem Gürtel bekommen auf den nackten Po verhauen und wie wurdest du verhauen ich wurde auch damals schon in der Schule mit dem kochlöffel immer auf den nackten Po versohlt die Lehrerin hat gesagt ich soll mir die Hose runterziehen unterhose auch und leg dich über den Tisch und dann hat die mich ziemlich kräftig den nackten Po versohlt dann war die war die Schule zu Ende und die Lehrerin hat zu mir gesagt junge ich werde mit deiner Oma und so sprechen und dann in der Zeit wo ich nach Hause gegangen bin hat die mit meine Eltern und so weiter gesprochen mein Vater der hat es schon gewartet an der haustür und hat mich dann auch an den Ohren gezogen und mich auf mein Zimmer geschickt und er kam mit dem Stock hinterher hat zu mir gesagt sie deine Hose unterhose runter und leg dich auf dem Bett und hat mir ziemlich kräftig immer was auf den nackten Po versohlt

  5. Always get horny when I get spanked in the nude ass!
    Know this since early childhood and at some point it has started....

    1. For me, it started to be fun a few years ago when someone spanks my ass. Meanwhile, I even crave different whips, sticks and straps.


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