Same-sex couples now allowed to marry throughout Mexico

A great success for all those who have been fighting for a long time for same-sex couples from all over the world to finally be allowed to marry! Now it is also possible in all (!) Mexico to marry one's partner. As the last state in Mexico, Tamaulipas has now followed suit. Here, too, marriage for all is finally possible.

The news is already being lively celebrated on social networks - and not only in Mexico, but also in many other countries around the world.

Perhaps the euphoria is also so great because the opening of marriage for all in Mexico was a lengthy process? In other words, the state of Tamaulipas took its time before allowing queer people living here to marry. However, the wait was worth it. In the meantime, the lives of many people who are in a same-sex relationship and want to take "the next step" are likely to change permanently.

Mexico Marriage for all is here!

A look back ... Why did all this take so long?

In Mexico, marriage for all was introduced "step by step," so to speak. In fact, it has been more than 12 years since corresponding steps were taken. The country of Mexico is divided into several states. The decision for marriage for all took place here gradually. Tamaulipas is the last of the states that have decided for themselves to offer queer people the new possibilities.

According to deputy Nancy Ruiz (PAN party), there should no longer be any "second-class" people throughout Mexico. Rather, everyone should be able to benefit from the same rights.
A great approach that will certainly lead to many marriage applications in the coming weeks, months and years.

Mexico Marriage for all is here!

Mexico City was the first to say "yes" to marriage for all

As mentioned earlier, marriage for all in the country of Mexico was a kind of "creeping process". More and more states decided over time to offer the appropriate opportunities to people who love the same sex.

Mexico City made the beginning about 12 years ago. However, it took until 2015 for the law to state that same-sex marriages may not be prohibited. This would be discrimination that was not compatible with the constitution. Gradually, other states followed suit - most recently Tamaulipas.

The fact that history took its course and that it is now actually possible to marry the same sex throughout Mexico might also come as a bit of a surprise to many. After all, this is a country that is largely Catholic.

However, the fact that marriage for all has now been "waved through" should not hide the fact that many people with a "different" sexual orientation are still discriminated against in Mexico. Transgender people in particular suffer greatly, including violent attacks and hate crimes in general. Marriage for all is accordingly an important step on the way to more equality and perhaps also to a rethinking within society. As always, however, it is not a "guarantee" that "everything will change from now on." For this, the commitment of courageous and motivated activists is still needed.


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