The rest area An Der Landwehr near Werne

Rest area An Der Landwehr

The rest area An Der Landwehr is located near Werne and lies in the direction of Münster. In addition, the parking lot is located directly on the A1 highway. Commuters and cars stop here every day to take a little break after a long drive. There is also a public toilet, where you can relieve yourself wonderfully. The best place to relax here is on the benches or on the green spaces.

Also the gay scene stops here at the rest area An Der Landwehr several times a day to experience hot adventures. Who is looking for a quick number is exactly in the right place. Also married straight men come here more often to gain new experiences. The best place to cruise is on the public toilet, the benches, in the bushes or in the car itself.


Also highly recommended is the Lechstaustufe 23.

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