The park at the Loretowiese in Rosenheim

Loreto Meadow

The park at the Loretowiese is probably one of the best known and most popular places in Rosenheim. And not without reason, because every year towards the end of August the popular "Hebstfest" takes place here. Among the local herschafften from the old school it is also known as "Wiesn". For this purpose, numerous rides and booths are set up so that everyone from young to old can enjoy themselves. Otherwise, for the rest of the year, it serves as a parking lot used by residents or surrounding workers every day.

But also in the gay scene, the Loretowiese has made a huge name for itself. Because every day countless men meet here who want to escape from their everyday lives by having fun with strangers in a simple and uncomplicated way. For this purpose, the adjacent small park is usually used as a gay cruising area. This offers especially with its bushes and trees numerous hiding places in which you can withdraw undisturbed.


You can also have a lot of fun at Rosenhöhe.

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