Chances of marriage for all in Switzerland are good

It's getting exciting: It could well be that marriage for all in Switzerland does not have to remain a pipe dream. There are now forecasts that indicate that more than half of those eligible to vote could say "yes".

However, it will still take a little time before the final decision is made. The vote will not take place until September 26, 2021. On that day, the Swiss will be consulted.

Switzerland and marriage for all

Initial forecasts look good

Those who would like to see marriage for all in Switzerland should breathe a sigh of relief when they look at the first forecasts. Because: it is becoming apparent that more than half would vote "yes". The corresponding figures come from the scientist Claude Longchamp, who has analyzed them even further on his website.

Longchamp refers to a procedure known as the "Stellus model", which has often been used as a basis for making correct forecasts in the past. Of course, there is no 100 percent guarantee that the vote will actually end this way.

Nevertheless, the chances do not seem to be bad... And it is precisely this that may cause those who oppose marriage for all to once again pull out all the stops to counteract accordingly.

Who opposes marriage for all - and why?

Marriage for all is a thorn in the side of the right-wing parties in the country in particular. In their opinion, constructs like this endanger the welfare of children and should therefore be banned. To convince as many people as possible of their view, posters have now been created that could have a primarily psychological or emotional effect.

Switzerland and marriage for all

Many of them show sad children who wonder where their mother or father is. The fact that reality can look completely different and that there are now happy rainbow families in many countries who pass on values such as tolerance and openness to their children is completely ignored. Instead, the children are clearly portrayed here as victims of marriage for all. It remains to be seen whether many people, who may not yet be sure where they will put their cross on September 26, 2021, will be influenced by these images.

In any case, it is clear that the supporters of marriage for all have definitely not given up yet. They, too, are presenting their arguments and trying to reach as many voters as possible in the last few meters.

The question of marriage for all - ups and downs

Meanwhile, Switzerland can certainly be listed as an example of how long a vote on such a fundamental issue can drag on. Actually, everything could have been decided already ... had it not been for the headwind from the right-wing camp, which would have ensured that the referendum that has now been called into being becomes topical.

There are many queer communities, also from other countries, who are looking with excitement to Switzerland. After all, the tendency towards "yes" is now - and also based on the above-mentioned forecasts - more positive than it was a few weeks ago. At that time, it actually looked as if many queer couples would be disappointed.

Despite all the predictions, it now remains to be seen. Should marriage for all actually be approved in Switzerland, it would undoubtedly be wonderful proof that society is prepared to leave the beaten track and tread new paths on the path to greater tolerance. And the requested referendum may even be advantageous in that it can finally underline that it is indeed the citizens (and not their representatives) who have expressed their will.


Did you know? These stars are out as trans.

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