The first ID card with an "X" for "gender" has now been issued in the USA

For many queers in the USA, this should be a reason to celebrate. The first ID card with an "X" in the gender code recently went on sale here. In many countries around the world, queers are fighting to make this option possible.

After all, quite a few people find it difficult to be classified as "female" or "male". Accordingly, the "X" designation represents a long-desired alternative that will certainly be actively used in the future.

USA - ID card with an "X

An official statement from the U.S. State Department

There should be no doubt that the U.S. State Department is fully behind the innovations. In the meantime, the ministry's spokesman, Ned Price, has spoken out.

Even though the first passport with the "X" has already been issued, it will still be a while before others can also enjoy the customized ID document. In fact, it will take until 2022 before the option is open to everyone.

Having to wait "a few more weeks" now should be worth a lot to many who will then finally no longer be faced with the decision of having to choose between "male" and "female".

Who ticks the "X"?

This is much more than a "trend". Many people now declare that they do not want to be pigeonholed into one gender. Among other things, more and more artists and public figures are speaking out and declaring that they are diverse.

They and all others who cannot identify with a particular gender have had problems making the right choice in connection with the decision on the question "Do I tick male or female?".

However, it is precisely this pressure that is to be taken off them in the USA from next year.

What do the critics say?

Shockingly, there are many people who simply cannot comprehend that a person can feel neither female nor male. Some of them laugh at the topic of diversity, others speak of a psychological disorder. Still others interpret the whole thing as a trend that "didn't exist years agoeither" and that merely ensures that young people become confused.

In the end, the fronts seem to be more than hardened. And as long as one side doesn't feel understood and the other side smiles at the issue, nothing is likely to change in the near future.

A question of one's own identity

One point that is emphasized again and again by many people who do not feel they belong to any particular gender is the aspect that it is simply not possible for them to choose one of the two classic genders, because both feel wrong.

However, this is much more than an answer to the question "What is right?"but also a psychological component that should not be underestimated. Those who repeatedly have the feeling that they are being put into a grid into which they ultimately do not fit will suffer sooner or later.

It is to be hoped that other countries will follow the example of the USA and offer this option to those affected in order to be able to express their own identity even more in the future - even on paper.

The effort that comes with the corresponding opportunities for queers should be limited, but with regard to tolerance and diversity it should achieve a lot.


By the way, here you can find 5 reasons why condoms should not be missing in your bag

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