The "neverending story" of the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church and its opinion on trans people - a neverending story While in other parts of the U.S. a transgender bishop has been elected to office in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Catholics apparently still have to wait a very long time for this kind of equality. Among others, it was Bishop Michael Francis Burbidge who once again added fuel to the fire in the context of discussions around diversity and the church or faith. Burbidge has been bishop of the Diocese of Arlington for some time. He recently declared that transsexuality does not exist and thus caused a lot of incomprehension within the LGBTQI+ community. The document on his statements was published on the homepage of the Diocese of Arlington. Already in the first lines it shows how fixed the bishop seems to be in his opinion around the already often quoted "gender ideology". The sentence alone: "This situation presents a serious challenge for all members of the Church be...
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Transsexual bishop enters office

The first transsexual bishop takes office Already a few weeks ago a new bishop was elected in the Sierra-Pacific Synod. The special thing: it was the transsexual person Megan Rohrer. The Evangelical Lutheran Church is said to have well over three million members and is accordingly popular in America. The fact that Rohrer is the first transsexual person to be elected to a high office can be seen as a milestone in a way. Among other things also because also prominent persons within the church stand behind the choice and leave no doubts that they support the newly selected bishop. In the context of the corresponding ceremonies, a new era was heralded here in a certain way with the inauguration into the episcopal office. How openly the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the USA deals with the transsexuality of its new bishop is shown, among other things, by the fact that on the "big day" ...
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Tasteless posters in Switzerland

In Switzerland, marriage for all opponents advertise with tasteless poster The time will soon come: the Swiss population will vote on the hotly debated marriage for all. In order to convince as many opponents as possible, the conservative camp has now used a poster that is more than tasteless. It showed an undead man and the words "Children with a dead man - Marriage for all no". The message: rainbow families could owe their child blessing to a dead person. That opponents of marriage for all rely on such emotionally charged messages is not new. The question is to what extent they might actually succeed in generating votes with such a form of "advertising". Swiss cities currently handle the motif individually. While in Geneva it had to be removed or pasted over, in Zurich it is still allowed to be advertised in a prominent place, at the main train station. Some people are complaining about the zombie depiction.
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Steven Epprecht has come out of the closet

Model and Influencer Steven Epprecht has also come out of the closet And once again the world is richer by a courageous outing. This time, model and influencer Steven Epprecht has dared to share his "Yes, I'm gay!" with the world. Even if he found other words for this: The message was courageous, self-confident and brimming with personal happiness. In this context, it is particularly interesting that the model directly emphasizes that it is more important to him to be himself than what the followers think of him. An important statement that should inspire one or the other. Who is Steven Epprecht? Steven Epprecht is mainly successful in Switzerland, but has also made a name for himself in this country. He has more than 328,000 subscribers on Instagram and regularly posts content on various topics... Especially a lot of information about lifestyle and nutrition. The post, which was published in the last few days on...
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Shoe trends for autumn

The days are getting shorter and the wardrobe is changing. For many, autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. Among other things, because now nothing stands in the way of long walks through the colorful nature. To ensure that the comfort factor does not fall by the wayside, you need the right footwear, among other things. This should not only be stable and robust, but also visually convincing. The coming season proves that the motto "It's all coming back!" is certainly not taken out of the air in the field of fashion. On the contrary! One or the other highlight should fashion-conscious people already at least once run over the way. With the following trends, men are on the safe side in the fall of 2021. Shoe trends No. 1: Retro sneakers Fall is definitely not all gray and dreary. Isn't it mainly the last warm days that make this season so perfect? Due to the partially i...
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The most dangerous dating mistakes

Many men know the problem: they date and date and simply do not find the right counterpart when dating. In many cases, however, this can be explained not by the famous coincidence, but by classic dating mistakes. Many processes happen here on an unconscious level, but ensure that the counterpart does not feel comfortable (or at least has no interest in a second date). However, if you take a little time to look at your own flirting behavior, you will quickly realize that some mistakes can be avoided. Of course, there is still no fundamental guarantee. But: the chances of a passionate flirt (or more) can at least be increased if your own behavior is questioned. The following mistakes can be the reason why he does not get in touch after date no. 1. Mistake No. 1: extensive conversations about the ex No question: surely everyone wants to practice a little...
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The best queer movies for fall

For many, snuggling up on the couch on a rainy autumn afternoon, forgetting about the outside world and watching a queer movie together with your sweetheart represents the maximum relaxation. Currently, there is definitely no shortage of supply. Especially the area of queer films has experienced a real revival. But which films are particularly worthwhile? Which plot is convincing? And which film creates the basis for a mix of drama, action and love? The following inspirations can help. (The order of the listed tips does not represent a rating, but is chosen purely at random). Tip No. 1: I am Samuel "I am Samuel" tells the story of a gay man living in Africa. He and his partner suffer from the fact that homosexuality is still considered a crime in Kenya. Anyone who is "caught" faces a prison sentence of several years. But not only the law seems to be against Samuel and s...
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In the fight against anti-LGBTQ law.

Hungary: Creative Backlash Against Anti LGBTQI+ Laws The decision by the government of Hungary to protect children and young people from queer content in books and magazines has been and continues to be widely publicized. Now, however, certainly one of the most creative protest actions has been launched. It's not demonstrating, nor is it ranting. Rather, the people behind the book "The most beautiful dress in the world" show how it can be possible to make people aware of this important issue. What is behind the book? The original version of the book "The most beautiful dress in the world" was written in German. Here, everything revolves around Anna. However, the girl looks like a boy to the rest of the world. That is why her friends call her simply "Paul". Not out of malice, but simply because they don't know any better. This book is aimed not only at children and teenagers, but on closer inspection also a...
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Puschmann and Lars are separated

Puschmann and his Lars have broken up again Somehow it sounds a bit like déjà vu: Nicolas Puschmann, the first gay Bachelor in TV history, and his sweetheart Lars are no longer together. The two have separated - now for the second time. Nicolas made a statement to that effect on his Instagram page. According to his statement, there have been rumors on the subject for some time. He has been asked several times whether everything is okay with him and Lars. However, the information that the two have separated is also followed by an important detail: they parted on good terms and there was no "bad blood". However, no further information is known (yet?). Lars and Nicolas - Obviously no war of the roses Even if the separation may certainly be difficult for both, it is noticeable that the posting it ex-Prince Charming seems very harmonious. At the same time Puschmann asks da...
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