Melanie Müller, Katy Bähm and Olivia Jones sing against homophobia

The Prince of Anhalt's statements on the subject of "being gay" have made waves. Now follows a reaction from people who were or are - more or less directly - affected by said statements.

Melanie Müller and Katy Bähm were live on the scene when the homophobia scandal took its course. Olivia Jones reacted immediately with a long statement in the social networks.

Now the whole thing is being processed musically. Müller, Bähm and Jones recorded the song "We are Queer" together. The result? A catchy tune with a special message.

Melanie Müller sings - We are Queer

A danceable beat against homophobia

Possibly the people who wrote the song thought that there are already enough songs that point out in a dignified way that homophobia and intolerance (unfortunately) still exist in everyday life.

Lady Gaga already proved that statements for more diversity can also be received if they are underlaid with party rhythms (see "Born this Way").

We are Queer" also relies on danceable beats and an - admittedly high - earworm potential. The message: everyone is just as okay as they are - no matter which gender they feel they belong to and which gender they love.

Online since Friday - "We are Queer" inspires (most) fans

On Friday, the song was then officially released and also promoted by those involved via Instagram. Melanie Müller mainly lets pictures (and hashtags) do the talking here.

In addition to links, she also asks her fans for their opinion of the song. These are mostly positive. Every now and then, however, critical voices are raised.

So, everything as usual? Probably. After all, many LGBTQ actions by prominent people in the past have shown that it is difficult or impossible to please everyone.

In addition to largely constructive criticism ("It's not really my thing, but good luck and good luck anyway"), there are many voices that are already celebrating the song.

One thing is certain: it's hard not to have an opinion on this - both musically and with regard to the message.

Some also ask themselves what Melanie Müller has to do with the queer scene. The connections of Olivia and Katy seem to be much more comprehensible here.

Was she trying to distance herself once again from Marcus von Anhalt's statements? Or is she alluding to her own personality? After all, scenes like the one in which she smooches another contestant during her participation in "The Bachelor" with Jan Kralitschka remain unforgotten.

Who is Melanie Müller?

Melanie Müller has had a classic reality TV career. She became known to the public primarily through her participation in the dome show "The Bachelor". Before that, however, she was already filming porn - a topic that was also brought up during the dating show, among other things.

Even though she couldn't conquer Jan Kralitschka's heart, she remained true to the media and started her business at Ballermann. Here she is not only singing on stage, but also opened her own sausage stand.

In her private life, she lives with her husband and two children. Every now and then, Müller is hit by the odd shitstorm, as many people think she is too much of a businesswoman and not enough of a mother. However, she seems to be largely unaffected by the criticism. Statements like "We are Queer" rather show that the singer will certainly go her way in the future - no matter what others think of her.


Do you watch Let's Dance? Then you surely know that Nicolas Puschmann is out.

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