Has Désirée Nick gone too far
About Ms. Désirée Nick or also "La Nick"Opinions are divided when it comes to her. On the one hand, she is praised for her sharp-tongued manner and her "I do not mince words"On the other hand, many find the Berliner shrill and annoying. Not infrequently, there is even talk of arrogance. Even if the trash TV icon shows up at many relevant LGBTQ events, opinions differ even within the scene.

But one thing is also certain: it's hard to imagine today's TV trash program without Désirée Nick. Her career began long before Promi Big Brother, Dschungelcamp and Co. Her curriculum vitae shows many interesting stations. Among other things, she was a ballet dancer and a Parisian revue girl. Today, she works primarily as a cabaret artist, author and actress.

Her podcast "Loose Slut" recently made headlines when she compared honesty and bullying, or complained that the two are equated these days.

Clearly against racism and sexism

A diva who opposes philistinism and hatred in society. Sexism and racism are also absolute no-goes for her.

Partly because of her tenacity, she is especially loved by the LGBTQ scene. If you know she's on your side, you always have an ace up your sleeve when it comes to "discussion.

In her book "Eva go home" in particular, she criticized the former Tagesschau presenter Eva Herman, who in turn criticized the emancipation of women in her book ("Das Eva-Prinzip") and insisted on traditional roles in the household. Désirée Nick shows relatively little understanding for statements like these. After all, she says, everyone should be able to develop freely and live as they wish.

Because of such and other actions La Nick could win many fans in the past. Every now and then, however, negative headlines come to light.

Bullying and honesty - is there a difference?

Has Désirée Nick gone too far
In her podcast "Loose slut"Désirée Nick recently invited the Youtuber Lisha to join her.

La Nick admits to not always having had good words for the Youtuber, but that is precisely her honest opinion and has nothing to do with bullying.

According to the diva, insults and criticism may be called honesty if they are said directly to the person's face. Bullying, in her opinion, begins only when it takes place behind the back of the victim.

This is quite a bold statement - especially because Désirée Nick was heavily criticized in the first season of "Promis unter Palmen" for her behavior towards Claudia Obert. The "bullying episode" has since even been removed from the media library.

Can bullying really only be called "honest"?

Many people who have struggled or are struggling with bullying go ballistic at a statement like this. How often is bullying actively practiced in schools, companies, and other institutions, and how much do the victims suffer? Accordingly, it could well be that La Nick has made it a little too easy for himself in this case and that such black-and-white thinking is not appropriate here.

By definition, bullying primarily describes psychological violence manifested by repeated insults, harassment, torment, or injury, perpetrated by either an individual or a group.

However, it is also certain again that Ms. Nick has made a statement that will certainly still be discussed a bit. Negative headlines should not harm the former jungle queen, however, ... After all, she is only "honest", or not?


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