Transsexual candidate could become "Germany's Next Topmodel 2021

At the beginning of the current Germany's Next Topmodel season, it was repeatedly emphasized how much value would be placed on diversity. In the social networks, many wondered to what extent this intention could be put into practice. Now it turns out that a trans contestant might even win the show!

Alex managed to prevail against many competitors and to convince Heidi and the guest judges again and again.

Although the show is now in its 16th season, it has lost virtually none of its fascination - unlike many other formats.

Germany's Next Topmodel Final

Alex could become a role model for many young people

... and not because of her modeling skills, which are certainly also convincing without a doubt. However, one aspect that always comes into focus with the trans candidate is the fact that she knows what she wants. She is self-confident and incredibly authentic and could accordingly become a real role model. After all, Heidi, among others, also emphasizes again and again how important it is that the overall package is right.

Alex might have been convincing here in many respects... Among other things because she always manages, maybe not to win every challenge, but at least to leave an impression.

From the beginning, Alex was open about her transsexuality - especially because she doesn't emphasize it, but sees it as a part of herself. And that is exactly what could inspire many young people. Whether Alex is aware of this positive role model function? One doesn't know. Alex is Alex... And that's exactly why her fans love her.

In previous interviews, she repeatedly emphasized that she had experienced her coming out positively. Among other things, she had experienced a lot of support from her environment.

Germany's Next Topmodel Final

How diverse is Germany's Next Topmodel?

Some time ago, the show Germany's Topmodel had to defend itself again and again against accusations that it was exclusively committed to diversity, but not open to new things. However, many people's opinion should have changed at the latest with Alex's entry into the final. Whether she will ultimately succeed against her competitors remains to be seen.

After all, Dasha, Soulin and Romina are certainly what you would undoubtedly call "strong opponents". Actually, Ashley should also have been in the final. However, she voluntarily cancelled. She gave "personal reasons" for this. On May 27, it will be exciting. The final will be broadcast at 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben.

And regardless of whether Alex wins or not - one thing is already certain: the community will stand behind her. By the way, she is not the only queer participant who has taken part in the show so far - but she is the most successful one so far.

Germany's Next Topmodel Final

Is Germany's Topmodel actually still up to date?

Opinions differ greatly here. Especially the nude shootings and the erotic shots of the young participants are strongly criticized here again and again.

There was also a small shitstorm in the current season when a deaf-mute contestant was eliminated - apparently due to a misunderstanding.

However, the concept of the show still seems to work. And as long as strong personalities like Alex are involved, viewers can be sure that at least one important role model function is fulfilled. As for the rest, everyone can certainly form their own opinion.


By the way, Demi Lovato has also come out as "non-binary."

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