Which stars have already come out as non-binary?

Today's world seems more tolerant and open than ever before in some areas such as "non-binary". At least in many parts of the world, homo-, bi-, trans- and asexual persons can largely stand by themselves without danger.

More and more celebrities are coming out about their sexuality without having to fear the end of their careers or anything like that. One term that comes up again and again in this context is "non-binary.

But what is actually behind such an outing? What does it say? And which stars are non-binary?

These stars are non-binary

What does non-binary actually mean?

With the multitude of terms that can be used today to describe one's sexual orientation, it can sometimes be difficult to keep track.

The term "non-binary" is (at least still) used rather rarely. People who describe themselves in this way feel neither as a man nor as a woman. However, this does not refer to the biological sex, but to the social sex, which is influenced by society and culture.

Non-binary people can be heterosexual, homosexual, transsexual or intersexual. Non-binary refers more to people's expectations of how men and women should behave. Here, people often notice that they do not fit into a certain pattern.

In English and American respectively, they prefer the pronouns "they/ them"; in German, there are no official forms of address yet.

For many, their own "non-binary-ness" is also a personal statement of resisting and not fulfilling society's demands regarding men and women.

Anyone who is non-binary is confronted with many challenges that gay men and lesbians, among others, also experienced before coming out. Those affected can be exposed to enormous pressure of suffering and often ask themselves where they belong. A corresponding outing is then not infrequently perceived as a liberating blow.

These stars identify as non binary - a brief overview

Many celebrities have now come out as "non-binary". Users are increasingly encountering the pronouns "they/ them" on the stars' social media platforms, among other places.

The following stars have taken this step... And will certainly not be the last:

Celebrity No. 1: Demi Lovato

Celebrity No. 1: Demi Lovato

Not too long ago, Demi Lovato announced that she was non-binary and therefore felt that she belonged to neither the female nor the male gender. On Twitter, Lovato wrote: "I'm proud to let you know that I self-identify as non-binary".

She stated that she wanted to be addressed as "they/ them" from now on.


Celebrity No. 2: Elliot Page

Celebrity No. 2: Elliot Page

Earlier this year, Elliot Page made some headlines. Just a few months ago, Elliot was actress Ellen Page, who was nominated for an Oscar for her role as "Juno" in the film of the same name.

Now the star outed herself as transsexual and non-binary at the same time. Page feels biologically gendered as a man and yet does not want to meet the social standards of a man.

Elliot most recently appeared in "Inception" and the Netflix series "The Umbrella Academy."


Celebrity No. 3: Sara Ramírez

Celebrity No. 3: Sara Ramírez

Sara Ramírez is best known as Callie Torres from "Grey's Anatomy". On the social media platform Instagram, the star announced that he is non-binary: "Inside me is the ability to be a girly boy, a tomboy, a tomboy, a girly girl. All of it. And none of it." These words actually already say everything there is to know about this special kind of self-discovery.

Non-binary stars as role models?

As already mentioned, many people today still do not know what the term "non-binary" is all about. This could change in the coming years. Because: more and more people dare to stand by feelings for which they may not have had a name before.

In addition, it is likely that many of those affected will feel encouraged by the stars' outings to deal with their identity more confidently. Often, it only takes a few to step forward so that others who may feel similarly can follow.


By the way, Sam and Rafi have broken up!

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