The organization Stonewall has organized a virtual kiss-in to demonstrate with love against the hate violence that many queer people still face in the UK. The event features queer couples in a video caressing, kissing and showing their love publicly and without shame.
The Ramones provide the appropriate musical background with their "Merry Christmas". Accordingly, the video not only fits the community's demands for more equality, but also the current Christmas mood. The images convey a very special message: namely, not to hide, but to react to hate violence with cohesion and love.
The United Kingdom in particular has had to realize, shockingly, in the recent past that many people suffer from hate violence. Many of those affected see no alternative but to hide and keep their sexuality secret. The organization Stonewall does not want to recognize this alternative and wants to encourage queers to love themselves with all their attributes and characteristics.

The Kiss-in against Hate Violence in the UK

Hate violence - a big problem

In Great Britain, there has recently been an increase in violent attacks against people who belong to the community. In the months from May to August alone, well over 2,000 crimes were reported to the police. All of them were directed against LGBTQI+ members.
Transgender people in particular fall victim to hate violence. The frightening thing about the above number of crimes is also that these are only registered cases. The number of unreported cases is likely to be much higher, as many victims shy away from going to the police. It is assumed that only 15% of the committed crimes are also reported.
The action of the organization Stonewall is to encourage queers to stand up for themselves and not to be pushed into the role of a victim. In a way, the motto could be: Even if you slander us and want nothing to do with us - we are there and stand by us!

Fight hate with love

With the Kiss-in video campaign, Stonewall is sending a clear message against the hate that is directed at the LGBTQI+ community.
Hateful attacks are supposed to meet love - and probably exactly because of this special approach so many different people decided to join in.
Many affected people showed their gratitude towards the campaign and were able to draw from it the courage they need at the present time. The response in the social networks was also very positive. Even if not everyone who was enthusiastic dared to join in, all those involved received many virtual hearts.

The UK and its progress on LGBTQI+ rights.

A look at the current statistics and happenings in the UK shows that the LGBTQI+ movement obviously still has a lot to get through before absolute equality can prevail.
The organization Stonewall also stated that some major progress has already been made in this area. However, there is still work to be done, such as the kiss-in.
For example, one particularly important "construction site" is the ban on conversion therapy. Supposedly, it is supposed to help suppress homosexual urges and make a person heterosexual. The treatments are inhumane and are not based on charity or medical knowledge. Shockingly, however, conversion therapy is still used in many European countries and is perfectly legal there.
In 2016, it was Malta that in some ways made an example in this context. Because: about six years ago, the treatments were banned there. At the time, Malta was the first country to take this important step. Germany joined the ban four years later, in 2020.


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