Dr. Randy

Gay men are confronted with a number of questions in everyday life. Especially when it comes to the topic of sex, the famous question marks sometimes appear on the forehead. For example, should you use a rubber contraceptive even in a committed relationship? What should be considered in connection with cruising? And how can orgasms possibly be experienced a little more intensively?

If you are also dealing with questions of this kind, you have found the right contact person in Dr. Randy. Because: sometimes it is simply difficult to talk to friends and acquaintances about such personal topics. Just turn to Dr. Randy with confidence! He will clarify, work discreetly and answer your questions comprehensively.

Reconnaissance: more important than ever!

Of course, we don't assume that Dr. Randy has to explain the principles of gay sex to you. But a comprehensive education goes beyond traditional sex and can even help you protect yourself from contagious diseases, among other things.

A look at this category also shows how versatile this exciting topic can be. Another, "nice" side effect: who is enlightened, can often have even more fun with sex. Because: enlightenment also means getting familiar with different techniques around blow and hand jobs.

So if you've been wondering for a while whether something or what is going wrong with you in bed, you've also come to the right place!

Discreet, factual and competent

Even though comprehensive sex education - not only in the gay scene - should be a matter of course, it is (unfortunately) not. Many gay men are ashamed to talk to their partners about what they want. Thus, they usually miss the great opportunity to raise their own sex life to a new level.

But don't worry! Of course, Dr. Randy will help you here, too! You benefit from a contact person who understands you and your concerns and can show you how you can improve your sex.

Last but not least, there are no "stupid" questions! There are quite a few rumors circulating around the topic of sex and co. So it's high time to bring a little clarity into the beds, isn't it?

Also interesting: love and tenderness or is anal irrigation important?

4 responses to "Clarification Dr. Randy"

  1. It took me a while to get around to coming out. So you have feelings for your best friend. Do you know what he thinks about gays? If he doesn't have anything against gays, then you already have good cards. Is he straight or gay?

  2. Start with the people you are least concerned about and then work your way up. If you think your parents will disown you and think you've gone crazy, I suggest slowly preparing your parents with small changes so they don't get a shock when you finally come out, and get emotional support if you're still afraid of your parents' reaction. With me it was like this: I had only told my best friend because she had already been through it. I asked her for advice and then came out to my friends. My friends took it well because I sometimes made innuendos. They motivated me and encouraged me so that I could come out to my parents. They also took my outing well. Their words were, "We thought so." They noticed it in my behavior and also because I hadn't had a girlfriend in a long time. But what do you think? How do your friends and family feel about gay people?

    1. Thank you Loverboy, full sweet that you have answered me. Was it hard for you? I have not even told my best friend because I'm afraid that he thinks I want something from him ...

  3. Nice post. Can you also write something about a comming out? How should I go there as a not outed ran? am afraid that all outcast me, have a camouflage girlfriend. so no one notices anything


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