AfD slogans on smoothie bottles - not everyone is enthusiastic

It is well known that True Fruits sometimes uses very effective bottle designs. Now it came to a discussion with Edeka. The statements of both sides could be read by the consumers in the social networks.

But what had happened? And how can a single bottle cause so much turmoil?

True Fruits with AFD slogans

True Fruits launches design for federal election

True Fruits has decided to adapt its bottles accordingly in the context of the upcoming federal election. And that was precisely the bone of contention. The company printed the election programs of most major parties on their bottles - including the slogans of the AfD. Within the latter, one detail also rails against the LGBTQ community. The quote, "Gender ideology is being abolished, including by preventing pedagogy of gender diversity in kindergarten. ".

The term "gender ideology" can be classified as "difficult" here in several respects. Because: among other things, the AfD is concerned here with disadvantaging queer people who want to have children.

True Fruits with AFD slogans

Edeka does not want to sell AfD bottles

In the meantime, Edeka spoke up and officially stated that it did not want to sell the AfD bottles. They would be returned accordingly.

The accompanying statement and pun: "There's no room on our shelves for the right.".

Possibly out of fear of being pushed into a political corner, True Fruits responded with a: "Dear Edeka, yes, we think the AFD sucks too. But education is more important than embarrassing social signalling, as you are trying to do here...". Furthermore, the manufacturer states that it now hopes that consumers "deal with the parties and make a considered choice."

The posting is underlined with a picture of all bottle designs, including that of the AfD, and the slogan "There's no room on our shelves for political enlightenment!".

A particularly interesting idea in this context is the party program puzzle, which is also explicitly referred to in the posting. This was also created by True Fruits and is based on the challenge to find from the multitude of printed demands those that actually belong to the respective party and to distinguish them from those that were added by mistake.

True Fruits with AFD slogans

Again and again discussions about what advertising is allowed

True Fruits definitely always manages to get people talking about the company's advertising. Even if not all advertising messages are perceived as positive: It almost seems like at least everyone has an opinion about the various marketing campaigns.

Accusations of sexism or racism are often raised. With their statement on the AfD, True Fruits should have convinced at least the last doubters that there are no right-wing populist intentions behind the individual campaigns.

It remains to be seen how the dispute between Edeka and the company will continue. At the moment, at least, it does not look as if the dust will settle quickly.

How are the bottle designs received on the web?

In the meantime, of course, many consumers are also taking part in the discussion surrounding the federal election designs. Many of them are enthusiastic about the idea and praise the company's courage. At the same time, they criticize that quite a few would criticize actions like this without understanding the meaning behind it.

However, there are also quite a few users who celebrate the saying "Right is no place on the shelf with us." and tend to agree with those responsible at Edeka.

As is so often the case, it is up to each individual to define what is "allowed" and what is not. However, the level of awareness of True Fruits is unlikely to have been harmed by the discussions. And if people actually deal a little more intensively with the statements of parties on the basis of the bottle designs, then - in the next step - possibly even more people could benefit.


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