Trans flag may be raised at Berlin authorities for trans visibility day

March 31 is International Tranvisibility Day. As part of the corresponding celebrations, the Berlin district government will raise the blue-pink-white flag and thus clearly take a stand on a topic that has long played a somewhat subordinate role even within the community.

Tranvisibility Day

The raising of the flag had to be requested

Anyone who is a little concerned with the community and the political decisions associated with it quickly realizes that one or the other battle has already had to be fought here. Unforgotten are the discussions, in the context of which for and against the hoisting of rainbow flags in the context of the CSD was discussed.

The Berlin authorities also had to submit an application to allow the trans flag to fly in time for International Trans Visibility Day. That the capital has decided to set an example here is by no means a coincidence. After all, Berlin is known among other things for its - in the truest sense of the word - colorful life and for its diverse scene. With the flag is to be underlined once more that it is the goal that transsexuals can live self-determined and free. One day before the 31.03. it is hoisted solemnly... And possibly also for the one or other perplexed face provide. After all, the trans flag is meanwhile (still?) much more unknown than the rainbow flag.

What is behind the transvisibility day?

Trans visibility day is an important issue for many activists and people who feel connected to the scene. On its basis, people who are transgender should be empowered. It's about equality and about tolerance and about everyone being allowed to live the life they want to live. One point that has played a particularly important role in this context for some time is the abolition of the Transsexual Act, which is perceived as discriminatory by the LGBTQI+ community.

It states that a person who wants to change his or her marital status or gender entry in the identity card (and thus officially) must submit to a discriminatory procedure, in connection with which many questions are sometimes asked about sexuality and one's own sexual behavior. In the meantime, there are petitions as well as numerous politicians who are taking action against this law, which, by the way, is several decades old. Current developments look good. Among others, it is also the Grand Coalition that has recognized that there is an urgent need for improvement with regard to the TSG.

Another problem that should be pointed out in connection with the Day of Transvisibility is that with regard to trans hostility there is often a kind of perpetrator-victim reversal. One of the most classic statements of a perpetrator is certainly that he felt provoked by "the man in women's clothes". Here, too, misinformation must be countered with the help of increased visibility.
The Berlin Senate of the Interior would like to address these and many other issues.

Tranvisibility Day

What does the day of transvisibility bring?

The mere fact that on March 30 and 31, many people will certainly stand in front of the authority building and ask themselves what "this unusual flag" is all about is worth a lot. Because: At the end of March, it is a matter of dealing with a topic that many people ignore in their everyday lives because it does not directly affect them. This makes it all the more important to keep drawing attention to all the "colors of the rainbow.

There are not only gay, bi and lesbian, but also many other orientations and gender definitions. The day of trans visibility is a wonderful opportunity to become aware of exactly that.


But unfortunately, one transgender gets a pass on Love Island.

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