That it would not remain as harmonious on Promi Big Brother as it was on the day of the move-in was actually clear, as was Rafi. That the situation would escalate so quickly, however, could perhaps not really be foreseen.

One thing is certain: The first serious dispute has taken place on the (TV) stage. Right in the middle of it: Rafi Rachek, who has been dividing the viewer community ever since.

His behavior is somewhat reminiscent of when he jumped into the boxing ring of the "Promiboxen" event a few weeks ago to stand by his Sam. In the current situation in the space capsule of the reality TV format, he also feels 100 percent in the right. Emotions are boiling over. On the social networks, however, there is already talk that he may have catapulted himself into oblivion with his action.

But what actually happened?

Rafi provides fuel for the fire

Rafi's conspiracy theory

The stumbling block is quickly explained: Rafi has not tired for a few days to emphasize that he knows that the two PBB Melli and Eric knew each other before the start of the show, but deliberately hide this from the other candidates (and the viewers). This way, he said, it was easy to gang up on each other, nominate together, etc. .

The fact that they both introduced themselves by name "when they first met", but he thinks he saw them together at a celebrity event, apparently gives him no peace. Therefore, he decided to go all out, drumming on a saucepan with a wooden spoon and inaugurating everyone else in a blazing speech. From now on, verbal sparks flew. However, Rafi, who sees himself as a champion of truth, has maneuvered himself into the sidelines. Many candidates are of the opinion that even if Melli and Eric had colluded, this did not justify such an appearance. The "Ballermann" singer and the ex-"Prince Charming" contestant don't seem to become friends anymore in this life (or at least in this season). Whether the viewers will forgive Rafi for his action or perhaps even find it good remains to be seen.

What does Sam say?

Rafi certainly can't complain about a lack of support from home at the moment. His on-off friend Sam doesn't tire of classifying the situation even in front of cameras (and usually pro-Rafi). His appearance in one of the last live shows was particularly media-effective in this context, in which he emphasized that he hoped the viewers would get to see another side of Rafi.

Realistically, however, he also admitted that it could be tight for his treasure "... if nominated today".

In his Insta Stories, Sam also keeps the community up to date, while it has become much quieter on Rafi's own Instagram channel. The comment function has been blocked in the meantime.

One contestant who can benefit from the high waves that Rafi's appearance has made in the meantime is certainly Daniela Büchner. Actually, the "role of the bitch" in such formats has always been reserved for her. This time - assuming a little objectivity - she seems almost a little reserved.

What's next for Rafi on Promi Big Brother?

It's hard to say... Especially because the dedicated trash TV fan knows that sympathies (and antipathies) can change quickly over time.

Or, in other words: theoretically, it would only take one misstep by another candidate to improve Rafi's starting situation somewhat - especially in connection with the next nomination.

It is very unlikely that Rachek will pull out of the race prematurely. On the contrary, every now and then it seems as if there is a "Now more than ever! can be discerned in his gaze. However, it remains to be seen how beneficial this kind of single-mindedness will be in terms of overall victory.


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