Evangelical Church of Württemberg declares that the Bible is against homosexuality

The Protestant Church of Württemberg has published a new glossary on the Internet. It deals with an old but still heated discussion. Namely, whether homosexuality is endorsed or rejected in the Bible. Or in other words: "Is it God's will that a man and a man or a woman and a woman can love each other?

For the Protestant Church there is only one logical answer: "The Bible rejects homosexuality where it mentions it. This quotation can be taken by anyone from the glossary, which is publicly available on the Internet.

Accordingly, anyone who thought until now that it was exclusively the Catholic Church that would speak out - more or less intensively - against same-sex love, referring to the Bible, has now recently been proven wrong.

Within the Protestant church, however, there is apparently no unanimous opinion on this matter. While some are in favor of the interpretation of the Bible, there are also many dissenting voices.
This is also referred to in the aforementioned glossary, which goes on to say: "[...] Others are of the opinion that what the Bible says about homosexuality was only valid at that time and in that situation[...]".

Protestant regional church against homosexuality

What else is in the glossary?

For many evangelicals, homosexuality and faith are not mutually exclusive. In the new glossary, however, it is claimed that same-sex love - at least based on the statements of the Bible - would not be compatible with a Christian life. Accordingly, there would be "different opinions" here.

The regional church explains that there are some believers who would not live out their sexual inclination publicly because they would find the statement of the Bible "binding.
Is the glossary of the Protestant regional church of Württemberg now a step backwards into old moral concepts? There is no unanimous answer to this question either. While some call the glossary "homophobic," others perceive it as a juxtaposition of the modern and the biblical way of interpretation.

And indeed: At least the glossary does not, as is otherwise often the case with hate sermons, especially in the USA, speak of a truth that is the only one, but of the interpretation of the Bible. To what extent the church, however, hides behind the strict interpretation of the Bible and the (allegedly) negative attitude to homosexuality with it, remains to be seen.

The concluding words that both parties agree that "Christian values should also apply in a homosexual partnership" almost seem a little conciliatory at this point.

Evangelical church continues to reach out to LGBTQI+ community

Many evangelical theologians have long provided the impetus to reinterpret the Bible and better adapt it to modern society. Only a few years ago, it was decided that homosexual relationships were worth the same as heterosexual partnerships. As a result, same-sex couples were even allowed to marry in church in the majority of Protestant regional churches.

However, the regional church in Württemberg is in some ways an exception here. It is considered comparatively homophobic and is known for speaking out against same-sex love. Perhaps this also explains why the glossary already mentioned above, which - considered in itself - does indeed look like an inventory at first glance, is viewed so negatively by many people from the community.

What does the Bible say?

An important question: Do the Holy Scriptures condemn homosexuality or not? Ultimately, this is clearly a case of "matter of interpretation". Homophobic people will find just as many quotes against homosexuality in the Bible as the LGBTQI+ community will find quotes pro homosexuality. What is certainly important in the first step is that both parties do not stop talking to each other. Because: Inclusion and a togetherness starts here on earth and not only in the hereafter.


In Germany, there is more violence against the LGBTQI+ community again

One response to "Evangelical regional church against homosexuality"

  1. As long as the language of the country such a Stuss verbricht and feels in the right I can only exclaim: stay away, block money. All homosexual friends or family of such take care of such homophobic gibberish.


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