ESC 2023 is on the line in Ukraine

The rules of the ESC are simple and understandable. The country that won the previous year gets to host the current year's event. In the case of Ukraine, however, this could be difficult. After all, there has been a war going on here for several months. Nobody knows how the situation will develop and what the conditions on the ground will be next year. Currently, it seems that Great Britain will host the winner of 2022.

Many believe it is too uncertain to plan with Ukraine as a location at this time.

ESC in Ukraine on the brink

Ukraine should not be allowed to host the ESC 2023

After the ESC is before the ESC and plans are already underway for next year's event - at least as far as the location is concerned. In this context, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) recently spoke out. It announced that the Ukrainian broadcaster would not be allowed to host the upcoming event. Current circumstances" were given as the reason. Among other things, it was not possible to provide the necessary security guarantees.

Talks are now being held with the BBC. This means that Great Britain is moving further into focus as a possible host country. After all, the country had managed to come in second place with participant Sam Ryder. (The year before, GB came in last place).

A review: the Kalush Orchestra as the winner of the ESC 2022

Even in the run-up to the event, many betting agencies agreed: Kalush Orchestra's chances were very good in terms of winning ESC 2022.

However, not because the band had chosen a particularly catchy title, but mainly because it was to be expected that the rest of the ESC world (at least to a large extent) would support them with their voices. And that's exactly what happened.
And right after the victory, there was already a discussion about how realistic it was that a country that was currently still at war could act as host in the following year.

ESC in Ukraine on the brink

The ESC 2023 at the runner-up? What is known so far?

Currently, there is talk that the ESC 2023 could be held in Glasgow, for example. However, nothing is really certain yet. In addition, it is unknown what those responsible in Kiev think of the statement of the European Broadcasting Union.

After all, they had recently still stressed that they wanted to act as hosts - despite the circumstances and despite the fact that currently no one can say how the situation in the country will develop.

The ESC 2022 in criticism

As triumphant as Ukraine's victory at ESC 2022 was... some were less than thrilled that this year's event was more political in nature. Among other things, this was reflected in the fact that the Kalush Orchestra called for support for their country at the end of their performance. This is actually - especially at the ESC - an absolute taboo. At the latest now it was clear: This year everything is different.

But no matter where the ESC 2023 will take place: The victory in 2022 can no longer be disputed with the Kalush Orchestra. The coming weeks will show how the whole thing will develop and whether there will perhaps be more voices calling for the areas of Ukraine where there is currently no war to be given more focus as a location. One thing is certain, however: Great Britain should feel honored to be able to step into such an important position in 2023.


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