The Irschenberg South service area on the A8 motorway

Rest area Irschenberg

The Irschenberg service area is located in the village of the same name, directly on the A8 freeway. It is located between the Weyarn and Bad Aibling exits. The parking lot is one of the most popular rest stops on the route from Munich in the direction of Salzburg. But this is not by chance, but has a very simple and special reason. Because this service area offers everything you need for a pleasant break, including a large canteen, a gas station, a Burger King and a car repair service. All this attracts thousands of commuters and long-distance drivers who want to spend their break here in Irschenberg.

But all this is not the only reason why gay and bisexuals gather here at the Irschenberg rest stop. Because they meet here at this wonderful gay cruising area to have horny fun with other men. Mostly you meet for the whole day distributed in the area of the public toilet around. But also in the evening and deep into the night you will always find here. For this you mostly walk around on the green areas or between the cars on the parking lot. You can cruise there perfectly on the benches or on the back seat.


Lohrpark is also an awesome cruising paradise.

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