The gay cruising parking Werla on the A36

Parking Werla

Werla parking lot is located near Wolfenbüttel and is located on the A36 freeway and is represented on one side. It is a very cozy parking lot, which is located in the greenery. Here you can perfectly take a leisurely break in the greenery and enjoy your packed lunch at the same time. It also offers a public toilet for relief and countless benches for a small or large break.

The Werla parking lot is not only a meeting place for commuters, but also for gay cruising lovers. Because of its countless hiding places, such as the bushes, it is wonderful for cruising. The busiest times are after work and on weekends. You can easily attract attention with a hot shoulder glance or the headlight flasher.


If you love to cruise around in parking lots, the Rosselquelle parking lot is definitely worth your while.

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  1. Is there something going on there?
    written by Thorsten_p, onNovember 10, 2022

    Just wanted to hear if it's worth driving by there.
    Would be more the passive type

  2. When.
    written by Frank5, onMarch 27, 2023

    When can you meet or watch who here!?


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