Renewed discussions between the EU and Hungary

Once again, there have been discussions between the EU and Hungary in recent days. This time it is about the fact that more than seven billion euros, which were supposed to flow to Hungary in the form of Corona aid, have not been paid out. However, there are two different opinions about the reasons for this.

Orban recently explained that the money did not flow because the EU did not agree with the legislation around queers. Brussels reacted promptly and explained that the reason was elsewhere.

The Gap Between Eastern and Western Europe Grows

What exactly happened?

The EU and Victor Orban are (once again or still) hostile to each other. The bone of contention this time was that the Corona aid promised by the EU did not reach Hungary.

For Orban, the situation is clear: according to him, the disbursement has been prevented because between the EU and Hungary there are still the different views regarding the LGBTQI+ policy. Therefore, the money would be withheld.

Instead of focusing primarily on communication in this context, the Hungarian head of state is self-confident and declares that Hungary's budget is stable and that the goal of remaining sovereign is therefore being pursued. There is no sign of a concession or of clearing up any misunderstanding.

How do the views of the EU and Hungary differ?

It is not new that Hungary and the EU have divergent opinions on how to deal with homosexuality and queerness in general. In the end, however, it was obviously the new legislation that broke the camel's back. Orban stipulated that homosexuality and the like may no longer be discussed in books and similar media in schools, for example.

The EU reacted directly and immediately spoke out against the anti-queer laws. The leadership in Hungary was largely unimpressed and withstood pressure from the international community - including in the media.

However, the EU also disagrees with the statement that the failure to pay Corona aid can be justified by the different opinion on queers. Instead, those responsible give another reason for the fact that no money has (yet?) flowed.

EU guidelines disregarded?

Of course, Hungary was not the only country to benefit from the approved Corona aid. Among other things, several billions were waved through to help the economies of a wide variety of countries get back on their feet.

However, the basis for the money to finally flow is that plans are submitted showing the areas for which the approved sum is to be spent. Once the plans have been reviewed and approved, there is (actually) nothing standing in the way of payment.

In the case of Hungary, however, the problem is that - at least according to the EU - there has been repeated misconduct here that is incompatible with the ideals of a constitutional state. For example, there is frequent criticism that not enough is being done in the country to fight corruption.

It is very unlikely that Hungary or Orban will break completely with the EU in the future. Nevertheless, the head of state's behavior shows once again that he will probably not back down in the future with regard to his treatment of homosexuals.

By the way, Poland also has to wait for its Corona aid. Here, the EU also expressed concerns that the values of the EU and the values of the country would not fit together in parts. The main focus here, however, is on the areas of freedom of the press and separation of powers.


This is what happened in Prince Charming - Season 3 - Episode 5.

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