3sat shows documentaries about queer life

If you want to enjoy a little more "queer TV programming," you don't just have to turn on Prince Charming. 3sat is also devoting an evening to the topic. On 09 June 2021, the time has come. The documentary "Mein Körper, meine Liebe - Lesben, Schwule, Transgender" (My body, my love - lesbians, gays, transgenders) starts at 8:15 p.m. before "Hass gegen LGBTQ - Von Diskriminierung und Widerstand" (Hate against LGBTQ - discrimination and resistance) is shown afterwards.

It is already clear that tuning in should be worthwhile for queers as well as for "cis-people". The corresponding content is both informative and emotional and therefore, among other things, well suited to provide an exciting look beyond the end of one's nose.

But what is actually behind the two formats?

The 3sat LGBTQ documentary evening

"My Body, My Love - Lesbians, Gays, Transgenders."

The documentary "My Body, My Love - Lesbians, Gays, Transgenders" deals with the question of how openly queers can live out their identity in today's world. Among others, the focus is on a gay soccer club and a lesbian couple from Switzerland. They and other protagonists chat "out of the closet" about negatives, but also about positive developments in relation to LGBTQ.

At the same time, the documentary also shows, for example through the gay police officer Dominique Schibler, how queers stand up for more equality in everyday life. Schibler is involved with the GayCopsAustria and wants to break down prejudices.

"Hate Against LGBTQ - Of Discrimination and Resistance."

In "Hate Against LGBTQ - Of Discrimination and Resistance" it is shown once again that - despite the numerous advances in terms of tolerance and the like - there is still a long way to go before complete equality is achieved. Accordingly, this documentary should have a stirring effect. It is about violence and threats that many queers are exposed to in everyday life.

Particularly moving in this context is the story of 21-year-old Lenny. Lenny is non-binary and was beaten up by homophobes to such an extent that he became deaf - and has remained so to this day. Since then, the victim of the attack has been in psychiatric treatment.

However, hatred against queers is not a "phenomenon"oftoday. This is exactly what Liva Tresch knows. She is almost 90 years old and a lesbian. She outed herself at a time when being queer was viewed even more critically than it is today.

Her story is also stirring... But it also shows that there are people who manage to stand by themselves despite all obstacles.

Who should watch the two documentaries?

Above all, "Hate Against LGBTQ - Of Discrimination and Resistance" is certainly not for the faint of heart. After all, the documentary shows that hate and intolerance still play a role in people's lives today.

And yet it is all the more important to also reach those who may think that corresponding accusations are "exaggerated" and to show how much the victims of bullying and violence suffer in everyday life.

At the same time, both documentaries offer an exciting insight into the lives of queer people and can certainly help to break down prejudices. Accordingly, it is especially worthwhile for those who are interested in looking beyond their own nose to take a look. The documentaries should also show many queers that they are not alone. And who knows? Maybe one or the other scene will encourage you to come out yourself?

While classic dating shows (understandably) tend to deal with an entertaining and superficial range of topics, both "Hate against LGBTQ - Of Discrimination and Resistance" and "My Body, My Love - Lesbians, Gays, Transgenders" delve more into the subject matter and also offer various approaches to solutions. The extent to which these are then implemented in one's own everyday life depends on one's personal attitude to the topic.


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