Incitement to hatred trial of Darisuz Oko

Incitement trial against Polish priest dropped The Polish priest Dariusz Oko has called queers "parasites" among other things in a magazine. Therefore he was charged with sedition. A fact that should now cause much disappointment - especially within the community: The trial has now been discontinued in exchange for the payment of a 3,000 euro fine. What had happened? Dariusz Oko had called gay people "parasites" and "cancer metastases". As a result, he was denounced by another priest, Wolfgang Rothe. The penalty order at the time amounted to a sum of 4,800 euros. Oko decided to appeal and so it was clear: there had to be a trial. The accusations with which the Polish priest was confronted were far-reaching. Among other things, it was stated that he had "incited people to hatred" and insulted others. Again and again Oko tried to row back. A...
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Christina Baum insults Sven Lehmann

Insult in the Bundestag: Christina Baum (AfD) calls Sven Lehmann a "completely crazy homosexual queer commissioner". Things are getting heated again in the Bundestag. At the center are queer-hostile statements of the AfD. This time it hits the Queerbeauftragter Sven Lehmann. In a post on Facebook, the deputy Christina Baum has no good word for him. Among other things, she speaks in her longer statement, for example, of "ideological gender madness in its final stage." At the same time, the party is said to be planning to introduce a "homo propaganda" ban. The fronts have hardened and there is heated discussion in the social networks. How did the post come about? Already the opening of the Facebook post quickly suggests who the text is directed against. With insults and queer-hostile statements, the member of the Bundestag from Baden-Württemberg tries to act against the LGBTQI+ community and gives free rein to her thoughts....
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Cyber Wednesday

Cyber Wednesday on Planet Randy Dear User, Today, on Wednesday, June 01, we have another great promotion for you. Up to 3000 bonus Randys are included. You will receive 2x as many Randys as usual with every recharge on every package. So you can double your money today on Cyber Wednesday. Don't miss any more offers and sign up for the newsletter here! Best regards Jürgen For those who prefer cruising in the nice weather, here is an overview of everything -->
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Run amok is blamed on the community!

US congressman wants to blame rampage on queer community Transphobia - unfortunately - also plays a role in the USA. A current example shows that there are apparently hardly any limits when it comes to bringing the queer community into disrepute. Recently trans-hostile laws were passed and now the scene has to deal with bad accusations again. US Congressman Paul Gosar claims that the Texas school massacre was perpetrated by a transgender woman. The 63-year-old Republican tweeted this wild hypothesis on social media. Heated discussions quickly ensued on the Internet. What happened in Texas? In the small Texas town of Uvalde, a gruesome act has occurred. In an elementary school, a former student, who was now 18 years old, had shot a total of 19 elementary school children and two teachers. The perpetrator had used the murder weapons on the basis of the American law...
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Sven Lehmann educates about monkeypox

Sven Lehmann comments on monkeypox and a risk of stigmatization While the world is still struggling with the Corona virus, the next virus has already made it into the media. There are more and more reports in the news about the so-called monkeypox. Among other things, there is always talk in this context that mainly gay or bisexual men are affected. Health Minister Lauterbach has also spoken out in this regard. And also at Sven Lehmann the reporting does not pass without trace. He recently emphasized that anyone could be affected by monkeypox... Not just gay men. "The virus knows no sexual orientation." Currently, monkeypox is known to spread through close skin contact and droplet infection. Accordingly, anyone who regularly has close contact with many people is at risk - or so it seems. This includes, of course, men...
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Professional soccer player Jake Daniels is gay

Jake Daniels comes out as gay and Jochen Klopp is thrilled by his courage Outings in soccer are still something special, even in this day and age. For far too many people, "being gay" and "sports" (especially soccer) just don't go together. However, it can be extremely liberating to admit to yourself and your sexual orientation, as player Jake Daniels recently experienced. He came out as gay. There was praise for it from different sides. Among others, also from Jochen Klopp. Klopp hopes that more people will be able to come out of the closet It didn't take long for German coach Jochen Klopp to speak out regarding Jake Daniels' courageous outing. He stressed in a post-match interview that he hoped more professional players would dare to come out in the future. It was simply "crazy" that "such a big thing" was still being made of it. At the same time, he looks je...
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Donating blood in Austria becomes easier

In Austria, gays can now donate blood more easily With regard to blood donations by homosexuals in Austria, there will soon be a relief. This is because the same requirements will soon apply to gays as to everyone else. The keyword: the so-called "three times three" rule. This means that anyone who has had sex with more than three different partners in the last three months is not allowed to donate blood for three months. It is completely irrelevant whether the person in question is straight, gay or trans. This is intended to ensure more equality in everyday life. In the meantime, many politicians have spoken positively about the far-reaching changes. After all, this means that in the future it will be the lifestyle or sex life of the person in question that counts, not their sexual orientation. What regulations were in effect until now? The regulations that affected numerous homosexual men in Austria still exist in many countries....
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Criticism of Karl Lauterbach

Karl Lauterbach's statement on monkeypox draws criticism Health Minister Karl Lauterbach recently described gay men as a risk group for monkeypox. Exactly that met recently with criticism. Among other things, the Aidshilfe has since spoken out. This showed up dissatisfied with the kind of communication, which was put to the day. And indeed: In parts this kind of communication reminds of the beginnings of the Aids crisis, in whose context also gays were mentioned again and again. However, it was not only the Aids Association that was outraged by the statement. The assertion that men who have sex with men could be more at risk of contracting monkeypox could lead to dangerous stigmatization. Counterarguments and a now heated discussion Those who don't study the issue more closely and merely read that gay men are particularly at risk of contracting monkeypox could ...
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Black Friday on Planet Randy 27.05.2022

Today on 05/27/2022 you can dust off more Randys for Black Friday !!!! For all new ones there is the "Starter Package" with 50 Randys for 3 €. Package "Black Friday M" topped up with 100 extra Randys Package "Black Friday L" with 200 extra Randys topped up Package "Black Friday XL" with 450 extra Randys topped up Package "Black Friday XXL" topped up with 1000 extra Randys Of course there is also a great bonus code: fridaynight for you! Also interesting: Halloween 2021 - Planet Randy
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