Stealthing could soon be officially banned in California

Stealthing is a dangerous border crossing that - at least in California - could soon be punished. This is because one sex partner secretly takes off the condom, so that both have unprotected intercourse with each other. In general, of course, it is always safer to use a rubber (especially when having sex with strangers or frequently changing sex partners).

However, it represents yet another basis when one of the two believes to have protected sex and the other accordingly acts completely on his own authority.

Those affected do not always notice when they are deceived in such a dangerous way. Modern condoms are known to be so thin that they fade into the background during passionate sex. What can feel very intense, on the other hand, holds corresponding dangers.

Stealthing to be banned in California

Stealthing - California wants to address known problem

Stealthing is by no means a "trend" that is still comparatively young. On the contrary! Ever since there have been condoms, there have been people who try to get the absolute kick this way.

And although it is sometimes possible to contract dangerous diseases in this way, it has not been clearly regulated - at least until now - whether stealthing is a criminal offense or not.

In a way, California could set an example here. Because: here it is planned to ban stealthing. Quite officially.

The text for the associated law has already been drafted and passed by the relevant state legislators. The final decision now rests with the governor of California.

Should the latter also vote in favor, this would give Stealthing's operatives the right to sue their perpetrators for damages. However, the draft only speaks of financial compensation and not of a possible fine.

However, it cannot be assumed per se that the draft law, which apparently met with broad approval among the relevant members of parliament, will ultimately be implemented. According to reports, California is not the first U.S. state to try to better protect victims here. In the past, it has been shown time and again that originally planned new legislation has often failed in the final stages. How the California governor will decide remains to be seen.

What actually makes stealthing so dangerous?

Apart from the fact that stealthing is definitely not a trivial offense, it actively plays with people's health... And usually without them ever knowing about it.

Conversely (and in the worst case), this means that a person can become infected with the HI virus without knowing about the danger. Accordingly, he probably does not get tested and can infect other sex partners.

For many, the calls for a corresponding change in the law come too late. At the same time, many members of the California community welcome the fact that now, however, better late than never, an end may be in sight.

However, just as is true for victims of sexual abuse, stealthing is incredibly important not to feel guilty yourself and to seek professional help if you need it. No one should be ashamed of being a victim. California has already set an important ball rolling with the approval of the members of parliament for the bill and has caused this topic to be talked about at least once more... Also in Germany.


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