Gay sex Frankfurt

All love gay sex Frankfurt My work is really exhausting again today and I still have so many kilometers ahead of me today. Always these appointments away from home. And then I have to go to Frankfurt today, at least I have a hotel there. I will really need some wellness today, after work. The hotel is supposed to have an excellent wellness area, so I'm going to relax. But first this stupid appointment with this ugly bird from the savings bank. And then he's also gay and is always hitting on me. I don't know if he knows that I'm gay. Hopefully he doesn't know and I can just let him off. I really don't like going into that building. I'm curious what will happen today besides the financial issues. The secretary is already waiting, so let's go. Wait a minute, where is Mr. Lutz? He doesn't seem to be here yet. "Good day, I am Mr. Tameable. I have to tell you...
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Riccardo Simonetti shocks with embarrassing confession

Many stars are keen to show their best side, especially in the colorful Instagram world. Riccardo Simonetti, however, has proven that it is also possible to take a different path here. He has published a post in which he confesses to having wet his pants in his car. The reactions to this varied. Some celebrated Simonetti for sharing this moment with his followers. For others, however, the whole thing fell into the category of "too much information. Riccardo Simonetti: What happened? No one should complain that Riccardo Simonetti's Instagram account is currently lacking an "absolutely human touch." On the contrary! Rather, when looking at one particular post, it seemed as if Simonetti was speaking to a good friend... And not to thousands of followers. "If you think you're having a bad day, I think mine is b....
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Cardinal Marx supports #outinchurch

Recently, the #outinchruch campaign made waves. The background: many people who are active in the church came out as queer under the hashtag. Now Cardinal Marx has spoken out... And seems to be less skeptical about the whole thing than many might have assumed. What is interesting, however, is that his statement is against the Vatican. According to Cardinal Marx, gay men should also be allowed to become priests His statement may have surprised many members of the church, but also many critics. Because: Apparently Cardinal Reinhard Marx sees no problem in it, if for example a gay man would like to become a priest. So he explained in the context of a press conference that not everyone is forced to openly state whether he is gay or straight, for example. However, if the person concerned decides to do so of his own free will, this should be respected. The sexual orientation of a person should not be allowed to influence his or her...
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Latex stories

Wild and lusty latex stories There was once again such a moment in my life that said to me, I urgently need to go shopping. And the best thing is that a friend goes with me this weekend to Hamburg. There is the well-known Reeperbahn and the even more cool there are all the sex stores. One in particular I have it in mind. The Boutique Bizarr in the middle of the Reeperbahn a giant erotic store. With the latest and hottest latex clothes. Since I will definitely access, come what may. No matter how expensive they will be. Maybe I should first explain for all ignorant, why I go so on latex. Apart from the fact that it nestles like a second skin to your own and so you can see the figure enormously well. In addition, there are variants and shapes that simply look very erotic. There I get from looking already a stiffy. And now to the most important aspect. Why I'm so into latex story....
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What do men find sexy about men?

"Sexy" is a broad term. What one person finds appealing may be completely uninteresting, perhaps even unattractive, to another. But how is it actually possible to appeal to as many men as possible with your own individual sexiness? The following tips can help, but are not a "patent remedy". After all, beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. However, the details in the list can perhaps help you to start the spring of 2022 a little "sexier". Tip No. 1: An appealing scent The motto "I can smell you well!" is by no means just an empty phrase. Because: Whether a person is perceived as likeable or attractive is often decided to a large extent by the sense of smell. If you want to flirt in the spring, you should go for light fragrances. And be careful! Especially with regard to fragrances, the following often applies: less is more! Who uses too many fragrances because he uses deodorant, shower...
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Gay short stories

Horny gay short stories "This is really a nice restaurant. How did you find it? And above all, there are really a lot of homosexuals here, which is really pleasant." "Through the Internet my best, was specially advertised as popular with homosexuals." You can always rely on my friend. He always knows where the best locations are. Here we could eat comfortably without having to pretend. Even a little fumbling around didn't bother anyone here. That's a really nice thing. So we could use the entire time in the restaurant already to increase our desire for each other. "Look forward to what I'm going to do to you when we're right in the car!" "Oh, are you going to give me a nice long latte again?" "But you bet I am. You know how much I love your hard-on. That horny size and shape is a dream." My friend is really in love with my cock. And I now know s...
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Sven Lehmann's fight with the AfD

AfD makes mood against queer commissioner Sven Lehmann From the beginning, the AfD made no secret of the fact that it is not enthusiastic about the fact that there is now a queer commissioner. Now, however, the verbal attacks seem to become more precise. For example, MP Enrico Komning (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) accused Sven Lehmann of making "criminal" demands. This is precisely what would cause "irreparable psychological damage" to children. What exactly is Enrico Komning bothered about? The bone of contention seems to be Lehmann's demand that it should be possible for a child to have four parents with custody. "Children are our future and not the object of self-realization trips by wealth-addled underemployed left-green ideologues," the AfDler explained further in this context. In addition, he turned in said video directly to the Chancellor and called on him "[...] Protect our children from Sven Lehmann!". Special...
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Gay sexting

Everyone is into gay sexting The coffee is nice and hot and it's just too cozy on the couch again. But somehow the boredom is too big. But I don't want to go out either. I could write an old date of mine again, do a little gay sexting and hear what he has to tell. Besides, it's always fun to write with him, because he always has the wildest fantasies. How was it again the other day he wanted me to accompany him to some event just to jerk him off on the dance floor. I think he's just permanently horny and as soon as a guy writes to him, he takes out his cock and does it himself. And for stimulation he gets inspiration from his writing partners. But also no matter, since I just have a desire for it myself. Don't have to put it on his nose right away. I hope he answers me today too. The horny sow also always has a very well trained body. Viell...
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Elza Soares has passed away

Especially, but not only in Brazil, she was considered an icon and an important reference person for the LGBTQI+ community. Elza Soares died at the age of 91. Not only could she sing and dance, but she apparently saw it as her mission to use her fame for "the good cause." According to management, the artist died of natural causes. Not "just" a singer: activist Elza Soares During her lifetime, Elza Soares stood up not only for the community, but for all people who suffered injustice. She emphasized that she felt it was her responsibility to get involved and advocate. When asked about the queer community, she explained that she received a lot of affection from these people. Currently, the network is mourning the loss of one of Brazil's best-known and most popular singers. Among other things, several celebrities have already spoken out, who can't believe that one of the most...
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