Meine Familie ist konservativ!

Konflikt mit Familie: Wie umgehen mit Rechtsextremismus, wenn man schwul ist in meiner heutigen Kolumne widme ich mich wieder einmal einer besonders interessanten Frage, die mir gestellt wurde. Da dieses Thema sicherlich viele Menschen betrifft, möchte ich die Gelegenheit nutzen, ausführlich darauf einzugehen. Für alle, die sich in ähnlichen Situationen wiederfinden, könnte dieser Austausch von Gedanken und Ratschlägen sehr aufschlussreich und hilfreich sein. Bleiben Sie dran, um gemeinsam Wege zu erkunden, wie man mit solch komplexen persönlichen Herausforderungen umgehen kann. Hallo Dr. Randy, Hilfe, meine Familie ist Rechts (Tobias, 19 Jahre) Ich komme aus Rostock und lebe in einem Umfeld, das sehr konservative Ansichten hat, besonders gegenüber Schwulen und Ausländern. Seit längerer Zeit habe ich jedoch einen heimlichen Freund, der selber aus der Türkei kommt. Ich würde ihn gerne meinen Eltern vorstellen, bin mir aber sehr unsicher, wie ich das überhaupt angehen soll, da …
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Der Toilettengang

Bene's unerwarteter Toilettenbesuch Hallo, ich heiße Bene und führe eigentlich ein großartiges Leben mit meiner Freundin und unserem Hund. Bald wird unsere kleine Tochter geboren, denn meine Freundin Jaqueline ist im siebten Monat schwanger. Jedoch habe ich festgestellt, dass sexuell zwischen uns die Luft raus ist und von ihrer Seite aus nichts mehr kommt. Nach ständigem Bemühen und Bitten habe ich begonnen, mich emotional zurückzuziehen. Sie macht nun mehr ihr eigenes Ding und ich meins. Eigentlich sind wir wie beste Freunde oder WG-Mitbewohner, nur eben ohne Sex, aber es funktioniert gut so. Dennoch vermisse ich die Intimität, und das heimliche Masturbieren im Badezimmer empfinde ich nicht als befriedigend genug. Eines Tages, auf dem Heimweg von der Arbeit, musste ich am Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhof umsteigen und verspürte den Drang, die Toilette aufzusuchen. Als ich das WC betrat, hörte ich ein lautes Rascheln und schnelle Bewegungen. Als ich zu den Urinalen ging, sah ich ei…
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New design - big update

Big update at Planet Randy: New features, modernized design and extended profile options! Dear members of the Planet Randy community, we are pleased to announce that a major update to our platform will go live on November 07. With many new features, we want to make sure that Planet Randy continues to be the place where you can best share your interests and preferences. What can you expect? Brand new design & modern profile layout: Our design experts have worked hard to give Planet Randy a fresh and contemporary look, suitable for mobile and desktop users. The redesigned profile layout is now more intuitive and modern, making it easier for you to share and edit your information. Revised and expanded profile details: Body type: normal, otter, athlete, twink, skinny, daddy, hunk, chubby, bear Smoking habits: Yes, No, Shisha Looking for: Friendship+, Relationship...
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Gay-Only Hotel Germany

These are the five most popular gay-only hotels in Germany In Germany, there is a growing demand for gay-only hotels that cater specifically to gay guests. These hotels offer a safe and welcoming environment for gay travelers to freely express and celebrate their sexuality. Below are the five most popular gay-only hotels in Germany. TWO Hotel Berlin by Axel TWO Hotel Berlin by Axel - Adults Only is one of the most popular gay-only hotels in Germany. It is located in the heart of Berlin and offers its guests luxurious accommodation with modern design and first-class service. The hotel has a wide range of facilities, including a gym, a wellness area, and a rooftop terrace with stunning views of the city. Here, gay travelers can relax and make new contacts in a friendly and open atmosphere. The TWO Hotel Be...
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Coming out as transgender

Helpful tips for your transgender coming out For coming out transgender people, coming out can be both a challenging and liberating experience. It is the moment when you accept yourself and reveal your true identity to the world. But this step requires courage, self-reflection, and support. In this article, we will provide helpful tips on how you, as a coming out transgender, can make your coming out successful. Preparation for Coming Out For coming out transgender people, coming out requires some preparation in order to be ready both emotionally and practically. Before coming out to others, it is important that you fully accept yourself and understand your own identity. Take time for self-reflection and, if necessary, seek professional support to sort out your feelings and thoughts. Education is the key to understanding. Educate yourself about the...
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The 3 pillars of a relationship

The 3 pillars of a relationship - communication, trust and responsibility. Having a happy and fulfilling relationship is an important goal in life for many people. But how is it possible to build such a relationship and maintain it in the long term? The answer lies in the 3 pillars of a relationship: communication, trust and responsibility. These three elements are essential for a healthy partnership and should therefore always be nurtured. 3 pillars of a relationship - the pillar of communication Good communication involves not only speaking, but also listening. It is important that both partners actively listen and are able to put themselves in the other's perspective. By understanding the needs and feelings of the partner, conflicts can be avoided or resolved. Open and honest conversations create an atmosphere of trust and connection. In addition, it is important that both partners take time to...
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Can a long distance relationship work?

Practical tips for successful love despite long-distance relationship Love knows no boundaries - but what about distances? In a world where people are becoming increasingly mobile, long-distance relationships are no longer a rarity. A long-distance relationship is characterized by the physical distance between the partners. This distance can be due to various factors, be it professional commitments, studying in different cities or even international relationships. At a time when traveling is easier than ever, new opportunities are opening up for lovers to maintain their bond. The importance of long-distance relationships lies not only in their increasing frequency, but also in the emotional challenges they bring. The question, "Can a long-distance relationship work?", therefore preoccupies many couples and deserves in-depth study. The challenges of long-distance relationships: Distance as an obstacle The c...
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Gay actors and singers

The most famous gay actors and singers in the world In the entertainment world, there are many talented and successful personalities known as gay actors and singers. They have not only impressed with their extraordinary talent, but also helped to break down prejudices and represent the LGBTQ+ community. In this article, we will present some of the most famous gay actors and singers who have won the hearts of people with their skills and openness. Gay actors and singers - these are the most famous actors. In the film industry, there are numerous talented gay actors who impress with their outstanding performances. Ian McKellen: One of them is Sir Ian McKellen, who became known worldwide for his role as Gandalf in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. McKellen has openly acknowledged his homosexuality and actively advocates for LGBTQ+ rec...
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Polyamory among gays

Polyamory dating in gay relationships: Normal or stereotype? In the diversity of human relationships, there is no one size fits all. This is especially true for gay relationships, which are often seen as more progressive and diverse. One emerging form of such relationships is "polyamory dating." It is important to note, however, that polyamory relationships are not limited to gay relationships. They can be found throughout the diversity of human relationships, regardless of sexual orientation. In this article, we will take a closer look at polyamory in gay relationships and explore its advantages and disadvantages. The diversity of gay relationships Gay relationships are not limited to one particular form. In fact, they are as diverse as people themselves. Traditional monogamous relationships exist alongside open relationships and polyamorous relationships. Polyamory dating is a form that has just in the last year...
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