LEGO launches LGBTQ set

LEGO makes a real statement for more diversity with its latest set. The manufacturer's latest product focuses on the LGBTQ community and rainbow colors. The whole thing goes by the name "Everyone is awesome".

Anyone who wants to can secure the set as early as the beginning of June 2021. The project is not only aimed at the LGBTQ community, but certainly at everyone who wants to deal with this important topic.

Whether the individual figures are then draped in front of the constructed rainbow background or actually used for playing certainly also depends on the age of the owner.

LEGO stands by LGBTQ

What does the LEGO LGBTQ set look like?

As you would certainly expect, the LEGO LGBTQ set is COLORFUL! The figures were made in the colors of the rainbow flag. In addition, there are links to the trans scene with light blue, pink and white, while a brown and a black figure are meant to be a reference to different skin colors.

One thing is certain: LEGO has never before had such a colorful project - in many respects. What is also particularly interesting in this context is that the figures are not directly associated with a particular gender.

Some wear ponytails, others a highly toupeed hairstyle, and still others short hair - but since they all lack faces, they could always be men, women, and/ or various people.

And this is precisely one of the aspects that is currently so celebrated by the community. It is up to the viewer how he or she wants to interpret the respective figure.

Optionally, the figures can be placed in front of a rainbow background.

Colorful figures for more flexibility when playing?!

LEGO stands by LGBTQ

If you don't want to impose specific gender roles on your kids (or yourself) while playing, you should have found the right option in the LEGO set.

The deeper message behind this kind of characters is then again probably only understood from a certain age.

Praise and criticism - actually as always

LEGO is not the first company to make a statement for more diversity with a product. NIVEA, among others, has already made a name for itself because the brand's managers decided to produce its packaging in rainbow design.

As always, there is both praise and criticism for LEGO. Some can't understand why it should be so important to say goodbye to gender roles and the like. Every now and then, there are even accusations that the companies in question are only addressing the issue with the aim of increasing sales.

LEGO stands by LGBTQ

Others praised the manufacturer's approach as particularly timely and were pleased that the important message could be conveyed directly to children in this way.

The complete set consists of 346 pieces. In a press release, designer Matthew Ashton talks about wanting to create a set that celebrates EVERYONE, regardless of how he/she identifies and who they love. Everyone is unique and if there was a little more love and acceptance in the world, everyone could live together even better.

It remains to be seen how the set will sell from 01 June 2021 and whether more sets of this kind will possibly follow?


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