What tips should be followed in case of ghosting?

Unfortunately, it happens far too often that people ghost others, although previously spent beautiful and perhaps intimate hours. Yesterday still spent a wonderful evening and today it seems as if the other would no longer exist.

The former date or sex partner does not respond to calls or messages, and those affected all too often wonder whether they imagined the good mood. No question: Ghosting can be painful. Especially when feelings are involved.

Many wonder at this point what they did wrong and if they could have hurt the other person somehow. Often ghosts are people who are only looking for sex (even if they claim otherwise) and do not want to deal with the other person further afterwards.

It is the mix of the feeling of being taken advantage of and the ignorance that is particularly painful. However, there are some tips that can help you deal with ghosting and not let the other person's disrespectful behavior get you down.

Helpful tips against ghosting

Tips to cope with ghosting

Coming to terms with being ghosted is not easy. And especially when feelings are involved, it is often difficult to forget the person and to come to terms with the fact that the interest is only one-sided.

Tip #1: Do not send any more messages

As hard as it may be, no answer is an answer and probably says more than a thousand words. Those who continuously write messages to the ghoster to somehow get an explanation will only flagellate themselves. If really ghosted, the chance of an answer is zero. After all, it's much easier to ignore messages instead of dealing with someone.

Therefore, it is enormously important for one's own healing and forgetting process to finish with the person and no longer chase after him or her. It is often best to block the number in question and delete it everywhere.

Tip #2: Distraction and Selfcare

Blaming yourself and wondering if everything might be your own fault only leads to negative thoughts. The best way is to distract yourself with, for example, listening to music, reading or meeting friends.

In times of heartbreak, it is always best to think of yourself and do something good for yourself. What is considered "best" in each case is individual. Sometimes it helps to try different "distraction programs".

Tip #3: Don't host yourself

Hosting a person is much easier than telling them that they are no longer interested... For whatever reason. However, it would definitely be wrong to plan some sort of "vendetta" here. It's not the rest of the world's fault that "he" can't behave.

Tip #4: Don't stalk

Locking means locking! A Ghoster should not be bombarded with messages, but also not stalked! Spying on him in the social networks is taboo! It is also definitely not a good idea to try to "accidentally" run into him.

Actions like this ultimately only come across as desperate and usually only cause self-esteem to drop even further.

Tip #5: Enjoy dates

Even if it is difficult to believe in an acute ghosting situation: There are also still decent men! And exactly these want to be discovered. Freely according to the motto "Straighten your crown and move on!" the rest of the male world is waiting to be dated. Those who initially have no desire for "real meetings" after a "small debacle" can of course limit themselves to chats and co. for the first few days and weeks.


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