The beautiful Frankenteich of Stralsund

Franken pond Stralsund
The Frankenteich Stralsund has a size of about 17 hectares. It is located directly in the center of the city and was divided into a total of 4 different lakes for road traffic. These are divided into the Franconian pond, small Franconia Pond, Kneepad Pond and the Moor pond. They are all great for walking, but the Frankenteich itself still offers the most beautiful view of all.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that the gay scene from the area meets here with the "anonymous heteros" for mutual pleasure. The most popular meeting place is on the southeast side of the lake on the sandy path parallel to the labor court Stralsund. Follow this path almost to the end and turn right into the small trail that leads into the bushes. After a few meters you can usually already see the waiting men and joggers.


At the parking lot Bear Forest can also be quite wild.

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