Jürgen Domian was probably the best-known TV pastor in the 90s. Many people still know him today. He stands for empathy, listening and also for the one or other funny situation.

The topics and people he is confronted with are unknown to the presenter beforehand, and yet he has an open ear for anyone who approaches him with their story.

No editing, no acted scenes, just real life and its protagonists. Above all, the presenter's charming and non-judgmental manner often led to quirky stories that still have cult status today.

As early as April, Jürgen Domian - who, by the way, is bisexual - is to advise his listeners and viewers again.

Domian is finally back!

A look back: what is actually behind Jürgen Domian's show?

The youth show "Riff - der Wellenbrecher," which ran on the radio station WDR 1 at the time, became "Domian live. Initially, the concept consisted of reports and expert opinions. Only once a week was there free talk with Jürgen Domian. This was then brought to TV in 1995. Now callers could hear the presenter and also see him.

The show ran until 2016 and was initially discontinued due to Domian's health problems. The last show at the time ran on December 16, 2016 and managed to get hundreds of thousands of viewers in front of their screens.

"Domian live" returns to TV - fans are delighted

After several years of abstinence, WDR once again provided the charming presenter with a broadcast format in 2019. Unfortunately, the whole thing amounted to only four broadcast dates.

Many viewers found this a pity. They would have liked to listen to the presenter regularly again. Corresponding statements were also disseminated via social networks, among other places.

Many praised again and again the empathy, the competencies and the charming manner of the presenter. Perhaps it was precisely these viewer messages that were the deciding factor for the show to become a permanent part of WDR programming again after all...!

Why is Jürgen Domian actually cult?

Fans know: Jürgen Domian has had many bizarre callers on the line and yet always managed to deal with the topic at hand objectively and with a healthy curiosity.

Many listeners or viewers might immediately think of the well-known "mincemeat story" here, which - at least from the point of view of the time - was bizarre and incomprehensible.

In the 1990s, a 26-year-old man called Domian and began to say that he had a special fondness for minced meat. According to his own account, he repeatedly made a woman out of 60 kilos of minced meat and then had sexual intercourse with the minced meat. Domian listened with interest, not knowing at the time that TV history was being written.

Later it turned out that the call came from the metal band "Cancer Barrack" and was based on their song "Beischlaf mit 60 Kilo Hackfleisch". What started as a funny promo gag became one of the most bizarre TV moments of all time.

However, this is only one moment of many. In this context, it is always particularly interesting that hardly any other program can inspire so many viewers with so few resources.

Especially in times of pandemics and the like, it's refreshing and encouraging to see that everyone has their own problems to deal with and doesn't have to remain alone with their worries. Sometimes television is more tangible than you might think.


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