With these 5 reasons you wish you had more sex!

Whether you're in a relationship or single, sex is rightfully considered one of the "best side things" in the world.

The lustful union of two (or more) bodies is for many people proof that they are attractive and desired. But: Sex can be so much more than sexual intercourse!

In fact, making love offers many significant benefits that can make everyday life easier and, among other things, do good for the psyche. More sex often means being more relaxed and happier. In addition, depending on stamina, length and intensity, sexual intercourse can be a substitute for working out.

5 reasons for more sex

More than "just" the hunt for orgasm....

Some people have no problem going a long time without it, others can't enjoy it enough: sex.

After orgasm, many feel relaxed and immediately a little better. This phenomenon stems from the fact that sex can also have an enormous effect on the psyche.

Reason #1: Sex as a "beauty booster"?

When the brain notices that a bitch session is in the offing, it prepares the body accordingly for the coming "activity". The pores open up and deposits are thus often removed - quite incidentally.

Accordingly, sex can also have a prophylactic effect and reduce skin impurities.

In addition, blood circulation is significantly stimulated during the act. Thus, more oxygen enters the bloodstream and this is what ultimately makes the skin look fresher and smoother.

Reason #2: Less stress thanks to an active sex life?

Sex can help relieve stress and make you happy. However, this does not only apply to sexual intercourse with a partner! Solo sex can also boost your mood. However, many do not find it as stimulating as the classic two-on-two variant.

The short (or sometimes slightly longer) flight of fancy is due to the two hormones endorphin and oxytocin.

They are responsible for the world being perceived a little more positively and negative thoughts having less chance of gaining the upper hand. The more endorphin and oxytocin are released, the less cortisol is produced. The less cortisol in the body, the less stress is felt.

Reason 3: The immune system can benefit

Scientists have long been studying the "phenomenon"ofsex and its effects on the human body. They have discovered that regular sex can often strengthen the immune system in the long term.

The body's own defense mechanisms are often strengthened by sexual intercourse. The "workout" should not be neglected in this context either, of course. Yes, during sex it is possible to burn calories - and not in short supply.

Reason #4: A restful sleep

Especially for men, an orgasm triggers a wonderful feeling of relaxation. There is apparently nothing better for many afterwards than to loll on the mattress and fall asleep in the cuddly paradise.

This phenomenon can also be explained by the neurotransmitter oxytocin. It allows a closer bond with the partner and also acts like a little "nightcap".

Reason #5: Sex can help concentration

Some studies have shown that regular sex leads to better memory performance.

Brain activity was stimulated and the subjects also found it much easier to concentrate.

Conclusion: The need for sex is different for each person

Even though the positive effects of sex on the human body have been proven in many studies, of course no one should feel forced to have sex.

Each body functions here according to its own clock. While one person finds it relaxing to roll around in the sheets with his boyfriend after work, there are others who like to take a bath and then drift off into the "land of dreams". Ideally, of course, both partners here have the same - or at least a similar interest - in physical closeness.


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6 responses to "5 reasons to have more sex"

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