These 5 signs indicate a toxic relationship

A toxic relationship can turn a person's life upside down - in part because those affected often don't realize how damaging their partnership is to a wide variety of areas of life.

It is all the more important to remain attentive here in order to become alert to the corresponding signs. Basically, toxic elements can of course occur in both heterosexual and homosexual couples.

But regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, the effects associated with these damaging partnerships are often devastating and dramatic. Sometimes the environment of those affected even becomes aware of the grievance sooner than the victims themselves.

The following signs may indicate a toxic relationship - especially if several of them apply.

5 Signs of a toxic relationship

Sign #1: At least one partner is extremely jealous

Granted: A certain amount of jealousy within a relationship is usually perfectly normal. However, in the context of toxic relationships, jealousy grows beyond a healthy level.

At the latest when disputes arise because the partner has nicely said "Hello!" to another person, when cell phones are searched for "evidence" or when it is simply no longer allowed to do something alone or with friends, it is time to become clairaudient.

Sign no. 2: There is a lack of support for the

Even though people who are in a partnership are of course two separate people, it is of course reassuring to be able to rely on each other.

In a toxic relationship, however, exactly this kind of support is missing. At least one partner here acts completely solitary, without caring for the other.

Sign No. 3: Important decisions are not discussed together

People who are in toxic relationships usually do not know the feeling of making important decisions together, for example in the financial area. The result: at least one person feels left out and not valued every now and then.

Especially when said important decisions affect both of them or the household budget, disputes are in most cases already pre-programmed.

Sign No. 4: A continuous feeling of stress

This is a sign of a toxic relationship that is often not recognized as such. Sure: everyone feels stressed from time to time. However, if there is no cause for the respective state of mind and it persists over a longer period of time, it is time to take countermeasures or to search for the cause.

The stress felt within toxic relationships often does not stem from a specific situation, but is due to the "overall construct". The relationship hovers like a dark veil over those affected, without them noticing what the real problem might be. In some cases, only a couples therapist or a psychologist can help.

Sign #5: Fear

Being afraid of your partner is never a good sign. Depending on the extent of the toxic relationship, the fear may take on such stressful features that it determines the daily routine.

Those affected usually become quieter over time and talk less with their partner because they fear that the partner might not agree with them. The result: the "strong part" becomes stronger because he feels confirmed in his behavior and is not confronted with counterarguments.

Toxic relationships - where to get help?

Only very few people manage to get out of a toxic relationship completely without help. Anyone who suspects that they are affected (or already knows) can contact the relevant advice hotlines and advice centers. Contact points in the vicinity can be found on the Internet.


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